CHALLENGE #55: Music Club presents Karaoke!

Sep 08, 2015 19:59

This is the final meeting of GoC's Music Club (please, hold back your tears everybody). To celebrate this will be an interactive media challenge - karaoke!

Create Your Entry

Make an audio only (mp3) or an audio video (webcam) recording of you singing any complete song either karaoke with empty track or vocal guide, sing-along with the original record playing, acapella, doing a sign-language interpretation or while playing an instrument.
I don't need you to be expert musicians, you can sing & play one chord, you can play drone notes or you can hit things for a beat.
We are not judging or critiquing entries, this it's just for fun!

This must be a newly shared recording you made for this challenge.
Also, I won't accept videos of people from youtube who are are not you.

Submit Your Entries

First you will need to upload your audio or video file to share it. You can upload to any cloud (like onedrive) or any site that hosts audio or video with sharing so I/we can hear or view it, you don't need to use youtube unless you're comfortable with it.

Tips for hosting sites like Dropbox etc (about audio podfic but still applies for any audio).
At this DW blog here.

Once you have your file uploaded link to it & post it using the text box form.

If you're shy about karaoke, let me know & I can set up a screened comments entry.

Here's a form to use, delete whatever you don't need. Thank you.

Help with recording

If you need some help just ask & I'll put some links here. But you can use always computer's built in mic if you don't have any special equipment.

Songs & Inspiration

There are dozens of good songs from team playlists activity, check them out below if you'd like to sing a song for your team (links go to allthesuits).

Team Hearts Playlist

Team Clubs Playlist

Team Diamonds Playlist

Team Spades Playlist

All the Teams Bonus Playlist

Karaoke Videos (just a few)

Halo - Beyonce

Why - Annie Lennox

Starman - David Bowie

Rumor Has It - Adele

My Heart Will Go - Celine Dion

Chandelier - Sia

[Songs & Inspiration (Including Live Performances) Videos]


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Showtunes! Sondheim to be specific.

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Contemporary Pop/Indie/Rock Vocalists

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Classic Female Vocalists

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Comedy Singing with French and Saunders!

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1 full song for 20 points. You may do up to three songs for 60 points plus 1 for your sigtag for 61 points total.

Deadline: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 11:59pm [New York City Time/EDT].
{Countdown Clock}]


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