Challenge #32: Music Club - Pick Your Team Themes Playlist!

Aug 04, 2015 23:06

For this music club challenge we'll be picking theme songs for our gameofcards teams. The winning theme songs will be put into the team user profiles or somewhere on your team community's main page as your official team theme song official team songs playlist.


♩ You may nominate one to three (1-3) songs for your own team and one (1) for any rival team for a total of four (4) songs for points.

Edit: You are now allowed four (4) extra nominations (total of 8), but only FOUR (4) will be counted for points & all other rules are the same.

♩ You must use the form and include ALL of the info and you must hype your song.

All this means is you must tell us why the song is good for your team or why you like it. One sentence is fine, "This song rocks & my team rocks!" for example, but more is welcome, remember you are hyping your song so it gets the votes.

♩ To be accessible by all members, you must include link to a full lyrics page OR link to a complete lyrics video.
If you don't include the lyrics link, I'll remind you & you'll have to delete & comment again.

♩ If the song includes explicit language (profanity), please try to find a "clean" edit version OR include a warning (in the form).
If your song isn't in English please try to find a lyrics translation but if you can't that's okay, you can just explain what it means in a few words.


♩ Vote by replying to the nominated song with: +1 or any comment you'd like.
Each member gets 14 votes for points. Use them wisely!
A nomination will be counted as 1 vote for a song, but it does not take away from the 14 votes.

Edit: You can now have unlimited votes but only 14 votes will be counted for your points.
Any extra votes & song noms are just for fun!
All votes will be counted for the songs, but you may only vote once per song.
You may vote for any song, for any team not just your own team's playlist.

Important: Please submit everything you do for POINTS in a comment or it will not be counted for points (that includes your votes and your songs!).

Remember, keep checking back as more songs will be posted by members during the challenge, you may delete your previous votes if you are out of votes and there is a song that you feel is better for the team.

You may also comment & chat on anyone's songs without it being a vote, just don't link to it or count it as a vote.

Winning Songs: The top 8 to 14 songs will be be put together as your official team playlists which will be put into your team community pages or profiles by your team leaders as they see fit.

Please don't be offended if your favorite songs do not get on the playlists. It's not a judgement on your music taste or anything personal.

If you don't want to nominate songs you can just do the voting portion for points.

5 points per song (up to 20 points), 1 point for each vote (up to 14) and 1 extra point for using a sigtag with your links. Maximum available, 35 points.

Nomination Form

If you have any questions please ask in the questions thread.

(New) Deadline: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 11:59:00 PM (Eastern Daylight)
{{ Countdown }}


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