Challenge 005: 20 in (kinda) 20

Dec 03, 2014 20:44


Description Another 20in20! Use the following themes to inspire some icons or drabbles. As always, any fandom goes! If you need any examples (icon-wise), let me know.

10 THEMES: Love, Close, Family, Holidays (doesn't have to be about winter holidays if you don't want it to be), Lyrics (use any song lyrics to inspire your icon/drabble, you do NOT need to include the lyrics in the actual drabble/icon if you don't want to), Dramatic, Smile, Dream, Mystery, Magic
CATEGORY: Favorites - icon or write about your favorite things/characters/whatever! You could even just pick one 'favorite' and icon/write about 5 different aspects of your favorite that you love. :D
ARTIST'S CHOICE: 5 icons/drabbles about whatever you want!

I hope these are broad enough that you can write about these things if you want to. I'm sorry if they're not, my brain mostly thinks in a graphics kind of way, but just know that I'm not gonna be picky about how you interpret these things. I'll accept pretty much anything that looks/sounds reasonable.

Points 5 points per 50 word drabble/icon, 100 points overall. Partial points available. +1 for using a sig-tag when submitting (+crowns)
Due Date Jan 3, midnight EST.
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.


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