Description Pick a feeling of some sort. Make a music list/fanmix based on that feeling. This could be happiness - a bunch of happy songs or happy songs related to a character, it could be loneliness or pride or jealousy or whatever you want.
- post your fanmix to your comm,
allthesuits or make it on something like 8tracks.
- link your fanmix here to your team thread with a tag banner
- include your feeling & fandom if relevant in your comment
- covers are optional & normally 400x400
- no. of songs is up to you
- Instrumental & any language is fine
Points 5 pts per song + 5 points per cover (front and back if you wish). Max. 50 points
Due Date 21st June, 11.59pm
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.