Challenge 09 : Not that Genre

Sep 08, 2014 19:32


Description Create a fanvid based on the following theme, at least 2mins long & show a number of different transitions.

Your theme is : Not that Genre

Ideas include - producing a funny vid about a dramatic show (or vice versa), creating an au in vid form, a shippy vid about non-canon ships, fake movie trailers, credits that aren't that shows credits (granted the time works), a song that doesn't fit the show/character/ship etc. Any fandom, ship or character vid is fine!

I can give some examples if you need it, but I'd rather you took the theme in any way you like!

You can do multiple vids to reach your 2 min allotment if you need to.

Points 100 points
Due Date 30th October
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.
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