All I Know Is That You're The Nicest Thing.

Mar 31, 2008 15:32

[[Forward dated to April 7, 2008]]

The sun pouring in from the window's of the living room did nothing to wake Mana. She was heavily asleep, warm and content...and on the floor of the living room in the Gameshop. She didn't know that she had fallen asleep on Yuugi last night and she still wasn't awake to see that, yes, they were still asleep in the same room.

However their positions had changed from the innocent look of Mana leaning against Yuugi's chest to Mana laying pressed up to Yuugi's left side, her arm draped across his chest and hooked behind his right shoulder. She snuggled her head into the space between Yuugi's neck and shoulder, exhaling deeply. During the night, her hair tie had fallen completely out, letting her hair free of constraints. It laid partly across her cheek, but mostly just fanned out across Yuugi's shoulder. If anyone was close (or awake) enough to smell it, they'd take in the scent of berries and oranges with a slightly floral fragrance that seemed to linger in the air.

She refused to wake, even though it was currently 8:30 in the morning. On a school day. She had no alarm clock here and no one had been by as of yet to wake them...No one even knew they were together in the same room, asleep on the floor. So Mana's body felt no need to wake. She took in a long breath and then exhaled, still in the beautiful, peaceful, blissful dreamy state of sleep.

[Tag, Yuugi! <3 ]

mana, yami, yuugi, yami/yuugi/mana

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