The whole world revolves around you, the center of attention;

Oct 25, 2007 17:53

Truth be told? Mokuba should have been here ... a week ago. Possibly longer than that. Sitting in his hotel room (stolen hotel room, yeah that had been fun to explain) hardly fixed things. Anything, really. It was pure and simple an escape from something he didn't want to face, and it made things somehow even more pathetic that he was the one to realize it.

But. Because he'd been dragging his feet, he was now the cause of Shizuka fleeing the mansion, for reasons she wouldn't explain. Considering how his brother had been acting, it was a pretty good bet that he was the reason. Part of him wanted to feel bad for her, but he somehow couldn't. At least he wasn't the only one his brother was cracking down on.

That was rather insensitive of him.

The people around HQ gave him looks, as if they didn't even remember who he was anymore. Okay, people, it had been a week, not a decade. He didn't need to be gawked at like he was some prodigal son coming home to beg forgiveness.

He wasn't.


The elevator seemed to take forever to get to the floor he was on and then another lifetime for the doors to close once he'd actually gotten in. He wasn't sure how long it took for it to alight on the right floor, but in comparison, it seemed far too short. He wasn't even sure what he was supposed to say to his brother --- yeah, you know that funny golden stick thing you have? I think it's making you crazy. Why don't we get rid of it?

Yeah, somehow he doubted that would fly.

He had been really angry with his brother, when he'd been here last. And one would expect fringes of that would remain. But he wasn't angry anymore, a little disappointed, maybe, but he wasn't angry. While part of him wanted to say that the dumb artifact had made him do it, he had a feeling his brother would have interfered regardless, though hopefully in a slightly less bruising fashion.

When he made his way towards his brothers office, he got another of those looks from his brother's secretary -- though this one was less 'who is that' and more 'oh I hope he makes it out alive'. Comforting.

She seemed to be packing up to leave, too. It was pretty early for her, school had just gotten out -- yes, without the private school to attend, Mokuba had dubiously fallen back into line at the Highschool. So it was a year from graduation, it wouldn't be that bad, right? He'd had enough decency to change out of the uniform before showing up, though, because --- well just because. The uniform was just atrocious. Period.

He gave himself a moment of silence, you-can-do-this mental relacing, and then he knocked, even waiting for an answer before storming in.

Yeah. He could do this. At least, he hoped he could.

[Tag Big Bro]

mokuba, kaiba, kaiba/mokuba

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