Girls day out at a spa!

Sep 15, 2007 21:48

Yami was actually quite excited; while he was running around the house (as far as running was possible) he was still in disbelief that he was really going to a spa, with Shizuka, no less! He'd never been to a spa before, and he could use it - when Yami halted in front of a mirror, he could see how he (despite referring to himself still as a he, his ( Read more... )

yami, yami/shizuka, shizuka

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redhairedbird September 16 2007, 15:59:08 UTC
It didn't take Shizuka quite as long to get ready, especially since she already knew where the spa was and didn't have to worry about getting lost. That, and she was having Isono drive her anyway; Kaiba seemed to be keeping a close eye on her lately, and she didn't want to do anything to cause him to throw a fit. She wouldn't put it past him lately to lock her in their room and only let her out so she could eat.

She had a feeling she knew what was causing the tiny changes in personality, but she was too afraid to bring up the subject, and thus she kept quiet. She'd speak of it to Mahaado once the man got around to actually addressing her and not ignoring her presence whenever it wasn't inconvenient to do so. Seriously, that man was more moody than her girlfriends.

A simple skirt and long-sleeved shirt was enough of an outfit for the girl, especially considering how chilly it already was outside. She wasn't looking forward to winter, but in a way, she was looking forward to Halloween. She'd caught wind of - not by eavesdropping, of course - a charity ball being held for the benefit of some not-for-profit that Kaiba donated to, and he'd received an invitation.

Costumes were mandatory.

She knew she wasn't going to let him squirm out of that.

Giggling, she was in a brilliant mood as she thanked Isono, getting out of the car and stretching.

"When shall I come get you, Jounouchi-san?"

Really, he was much too uptight in public. "I'll walk, Isono-san." Flashing him a smile, she crossed her arms and settled against the building, waiting.


sidesofdarkness September 17 2007, 09:53:34 UTC
It was a good thing that he had grabbed his coat at the last moment; it was chilly outside and he disliked the cold. Yami wiggled in the backseat, wishing for the driver to hurry up, but the spa was on the other side of town and they had to make their way through early morning traffic.

Shizuka was such a sweet girl, he thought to himself. She would really be the one to mellow Kaiba, and to shape him into someone more open, a little more social. Yami doubted that Kaiba would talk about any of his feelings or emotions anytime soon, but he could open up, couldn't he? He couldn't wait to see her again, and he was going to hug her, as promised. Checking his purse for the last time - yup, he did have his cell phone with him - Yami just waited until the taxi arrived.

Paying for the ride, he threw a look outside and already spotted Shizuka, settled against the building. Oh dear, he was late again! Yami quickly stepped out of the cab, stretched, hoisted his purse over his shoulder and walked over to Shizuka, waving frantically.

"Shizuka-darling! I haven't made you wait for me too long, I hope?"


redhairedbird September 17 2007, 23:21:34 UTC
"Not at all," she said, smiling brightly when she spotted Yami. Then her eyes slid to the barely concealed belly and she gave a typically girlish squeal.

So long as it wasn't her losing her figure and gaining all that weight, it was positively adorable.

"Look at you!" she said as she pushed away from the wall and approached Yami, drawing her into a warm but awkward hug. "You're about ready to pop! When are you due again?" Shizuka never could remember such details. Luckily, if she and Kaiba ever had children - which, given his distaste of the idea, was very doubtful - he'd micromanage every aspect of it so much that she wouldn't have to worry about such frivolous details.

He'd probably mark everything on his calendar.

Giggling, she took Yami's hand and dragged her inside where it was warm, not even waiting for a response.


sidesofdarkness September 18 2007, 08:25:30 UTC
Returning the hug, throwing both his arms around her tightly, Yami also squealed in excitement to see Shizuka and then dissolved into a laugh. "Shizuka-darling, I'm only five months along!" He pouted at her. "I'm not due until somewhere in December!" He poked at his own belly and then at Shizuka's, though there wasn't much to poke; Shizuka was the one with the slender figure.

He hadn't much time to talk anyway because Shizuka already dragged him inside, and his mouth fell open when they entered the building. It was quite luxuruous - marble everywhere, beauticians in spotless white clothes, plants and statues according to feng shui tradition in the right places, and soft, calming music in the background. This place screamed big bucks at him, and he felt more than oddly out of place with his floral pattern dress, hair sloppily in a bun and a large purse over his shoulder.

"Shizuka darling, this place will cost a ton," he whispered into her ear, having forgotten about her discount.


redhairedbird September 18 2007, 23:27:26 UTC
That made Shizuka's face flame, until she remembered that Yami was having twins. That likely explained her size, but large, so soon...

"It doesn't. Not for me anyway," she whispered back, offering Yami a rather mischievous wink as she walked up to the front desk, interrupting the woman from reading her all-important gossip magazine.

"May I help you?" she asked in a bored tone.

"Jounouchi Shizuka. I have an appointment for myself and Mutou Yami," she said in a confident tone. She then handed the woman a piece of paper. "Here's the confirmation code."

When the receptionist saw the name it was under, her eyebrows rose, her entire manner changing. "Yes, of course, this way." She then led the two women to the back waiting room, where the lights were dimmed and there were candles lit.

"It'll only be a few moments." The woman then bowed low and left.

Shizuka waited a few moments before laughing. "It's awfully convenient, dating Seto."


sidesofdarkness September 19 2007, 08:08:05 UTC
The woman behind the front desk was obviously bored, and managed to throw a frowned look at Yami before she asked if she could help them. Yami suppressed his urge to stick out his tongue to the woman; he couldn't help it that he wasn't looking like a fashion model. A beautician was at the end of the hallway, carrying some towels and lotions; she looked like she had just walked out of a lifestyle magazine.

Looking at an impressive painting of a landscape, Yami waited until Shizuka was done with the woman but it didn't escape him how her attitude immediately changed after looking at the piece of paper. It was quite funny how the woman scrambled, her frown now turned into a little worried look - would the great Kaiba Seto have her fired for her earlier attitude?

As soon as she had left, Yami hid a laugh behind his hand. "Awfully convenient indeed, Shizuka-darling. Did you see how fast she was walking?"


redhairedbird September 20 2007, 23:34:57 UTC
Shizuka stretched and managed to ooze arrogance and superiority her entire way to the couch. Then, when she collapsed onto it, she started laughing again.

"Oh this is great," she said. "I'm going to have to tell Seto."

She then stretched out and waited until Yami was seated before speaking again.

"So, have you thought about any names yet? And you should talk to Isono-san. I have no doubt he'll be more than happy to knit some booties and hats for the babies to keep them warm, since you're probably going to have them in the middle of winter."

That was going to be interested. She'd have to make certain she helped Yami out a bit.

Then, before she could say more, two smiling young - and attractive - women came out and brought them to a back room lit just as dimly and, somehow, even more tranquil. There were even miniature waterfalls in the corners.


sidesofdarkness September 21 2007, 08:56:51 UTC
Shifting into the chair to find a comfortable position, Yami reclined into the fabric and pretended to have missed the arrogance and superiority in Shizuka's behavior even if it was a brief moment; he knew of course Shizuka wasn't like that and he was all too happy to hear her laugh and giggle, but for a moment, she looked like a female Kaiba Seto. That was...pretty much disturbing.

"I want two names for them," Yami said, "a Japanese one and an Egyptian one. I know it's not really common for Japanese people to have two names, but I do want to give them a know, a little something from my culture. The Japanese name will be their first name, of course. I don't want anyone to pick on my kids because their mommy..father...parent saddled them with a name that stands out, and I'm sure Mutou Ankhesepaton or Mutou Ramses would be very...standing out."

He couldn't help from smiling, though. Picking out names was fun. "Yes yes, I will, Shizuka-darling. Mokuba recommended him already to me, and I'd be very happy with some assistance and warm clothing for the babies."

The door opened, revealing two young women - very attractive, flawless skin and all - who brought them to a back room. It was so tranquil in there that you could feel your daily troubles just...slide off of you, as if they were left at the doorstep. Were that...waterfalls? Everything was amazing here.


redhairedbird September 22 2007, 02:25:20 UTC
...interesting choices in names. Of course, Yami was completely oblivious to the fact that his kids would undoubtedly get beaten up in school with such names, but she wasn't sure how to be delicate enough to bring it up without insulting him. Even though he acknowledged such a fact, she had no doubt he was still tempted; it showed in his eyes. It seemed that, no matter how much maturing he'd gone through in the last few weeks, he still had far to go.

Shizuka sighed, though, and allowed those nagging issues to flit away when they entered the room, listening to the waterfalls and the gently playing music. They were both bade to remove their clothing and wrap themselves in plush white towels before laying on the tables. Shizuka, unused to undressing in front of anyone but Kaiba, found herself blushing straight down her chest, which probably amused Yami greatly.

But she was more than looking forward to the massage.

Finally comfortable again and trusting in the discretion of the workers, she said, "Have you asked anyone else their opinion? Like your okaa-san?"


sidesofdarkness September 22 2007, 11:53:43 UTC
How could anyone be not calm in this room? With the small waterfalls, the candles, the personal attention... Yami had no difficulties shedding his clothes and peeked at Shizuka. Sure enough, she was blushing; it was harder to see with this light, but the red color was tell-taling. He winked at her, not commenting as he didn't want to embarrass her, and wrapped himself in the white towels, belly and all, and he chuckled.

"Mahaado-dear would help me too with finding the right names," Yami said as he tried to ease himself on the table. "Yuugi Mama has given me a list with traditional names as well, so I'm sure I'll find appropriate and beautiful ones soon enough. I don't know why everybody was thinking that Angelina Fantastica and Yuugi jr. were so bad, but well..." He winked at Shizuka again to show that he was just joking, and then heaved a relaxed sigh when he was finally in a comfortable position.

The two girls were waiting for the both of them to settle, and then asked how they would like their massage. With lotion? Oil? Hot stone? Shiatsu?


redhairedbird September 24 2007, 11:30:01 UTC
Shizuka knew she shouldn't have felt strange about undressing in front of Yami of all people. After all, they'd shared themselves one evening, and now he was a woman. But there was still a large reservoir of modesty that Kaiba hadn't been able to drain, and there it was, displayed on her cheeks for all to see.

At least the towel covered enough.

For a moment though, she gawked at him, thinking he was serious about his choice of names. Then the wink finally registered, and she giggled, throwing herself on top of the table as well and pondering the most important question of the day.

How to get her massage.

The girls both made recommendations, saying this or that was best for pregnant women, or perhaps a combination. Shizuka, not being pregnant, took a simple hot oil massage.


sidesofdarkness September 24 2007, 14:40:31 UTC
Shizuka looked so cute when blushing, and it was frankly quite amazing that she still was so shy like this in public. Not that everyone should strip everywhere without the least bit of shame, but Yami had thought by now that Kaiba for some reason would take it all away, sort of...but maybe it was for the better if Shizuka just stayed who she was instead of molding herself to Kaiba's wishes. Yami frowned a little before reclining; the massage table was in another position to give support to his back, and 'his' girl was showing him several oils for the aromatherapy massage she recommended, oils that were safe in pregnancy of course.

Yami finally chose one before looking back at Shizuka. She was such a nice girl, and he couldn't help but think that Kaiba was overwhelming her. Overpowering her, maybe. Shizuka didn't look or act any different around him, or so Yami thought, and he was glad; he didn't like her to change into something...Kaiba-like, more distant. He would personally see to it that she wouldn't turn into a female Kaiba, he vowed to himself.

But then the relaxed atmosphere settled into him, the scent of the candles, the sounds of the waterfalls...this was like heaven.


redhairedbird September 25 2007, 02:11:17 UTC
Yami seemed to choose silence over idle chatter, and really, Shizuka wasn't one to break it, not while those wonderful fingers were working into her skin like that. Knots she didn't know existed unraveled, and all tenseness fled. All her issues, with her life, her family, with Kaiba, melted away.

Had she been just a little more tired, she'd have fallen asleep right there on the table. And while the girls were probably used to such things, Shizuka would rather avoid the embarrassment.

The massage lasted no more than an hour, but it left her feeling as if her limbs were made of goo.

"We'll return momentarily with the mud wraps," the busty blonde said with a wink before flouncing out with the other one.

Shizuka looked up, then tilted her head to watch Yami rather blearily. "They're good," she said thickly, obviously on the verge of sleep.


sidesofdarkness September 25 2007, 08:47:00 UTC
As he had never been to a spa before, Yami was quite curious to what was going to happen, and enjoyed the massage intensely; he would've fallen asleep as well if he didn't force himself to stay awake, thinking to himself it would be incredibly rude to just doze off. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, both of them were enjoying the treatment, and the girls were certainly very talented; each and every knot, strain or tension just..melted away under skilled fingers, and he heaved a sigh of pure joy.

"They're very good," Yami said, not realizing how sleepy his own voice sounded. "This is so wonderful, Shizuka-darling, I can't thank you enough. I feel so..." he paused to find the right word, "...relaxed." He chuckled a little. 'Relaxed' barely fitted the description. He felt at ease, comfortable, happy - and that only after one massage. He couldn't wait for the mud wrap.


redhairedbird September 25 2007, 11:36:29 UTC
"You deserve it, with that extra baggage you're carrying around now." Shizuka didn't just mean the babies; Yami was having to deal with the disappearance of Honda, though he was far more worried than Shizuka herself was. She knew Honda; he did this sort of thing, especially if he had to face something he was frightened of or uncertain about. He'd come back, and he'd have a suitable apology, and everything would be all right again.

And if not...well, Shizuka now had the resources to track him down and drag him back by his pointy hair.

She wanted the best for Yami, who'd gone through so much upon receiving his own body. He was finally growing up, maturing, getting over the brutal slight from his Gods and accepting his place amongst humanity.

And now he was a woman. She couldn't imagine randomly changing genders; she knew Kaiba wouldn't be happy.

"Relaxed," she murmured, stretching lightly. "That's perfect."


sidesofdarkness September 25 2007, 13:34:51 UTC
His hand went to his fairly impressive belly, and he smiled as he looked at Shizuka. "It's incredibly sweet of you, Shizuka-darling." He couldn't have afforded this on his own unless he would dip into his savings, which consisted of his prize money when he was still active in the gaming business. Yami hadn't really thought of gaming lately, he had considered going to college himself and find a real job, until the whole gender switch and the pregnancy deviated him from that course.

He had to find some kind of employment though, as he couldn't expect his family to pay for his expenses and his savings would run out eventually. But he didn't want to think of that now, he wanted to keep feeling relaxed as he was feeling, this was wonderful, so laid-back and tranquil. Maybe one day Honda would be back and help him out...

"Do you often visit a spa?" Yami asked curiously, keeping his voice low. Talking out loud didn't seem..fitting to him in this environment.


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