Modly Update

Feb 02, 2007 14:26

Hello everyone ~

I'd just like to remind everyone of a few things.

• First of all, tags. Please remember to tag posts with both character names, in the following format:

Character A, Character B, Character A/Character B

This makes it easier to go back and find prior threads based on who was in it and who they were with. We posted about this already, and it is in the community rules, but I still find myself having to go back and edit posts to add the tags. This is very time-consuming on my part and entirely unnecessary.

• Second of all, if you are aware that you will be on hiatus, it is absolutely necessary that you post your notification before the five day mark where us mods have to intervene, especially if you are participating in threads with people.

• Third, I have been considering a potential RPG-wide plotline where the characters, or just those interested, are sent to Ancient Egypt for a while as a result of the wonky magic bringing the Items back piecemeal. I was simply wondering if there is any interest in this sort of storyline and, if so, how long you'd like it to last or what you'd like to see. Or, if you have a more plausible explanation for it, toss it out there.

• Lastly, there have been some people who haven't gotten a lot of action in this RPG, and/or feel left out. So, if you aren't completely bogged down with threads, I'd like you to post here and notify everyone that you are available for roleplays. Also, approach people. Plan out a log with someone you have yet to interact with, or have interacted with very little. Open up a line of communication here so we can plot and get more things rolling.

I would also like to mention, as part of the above point, that I am always available and willing to enter into threads with any player here. I am simply not very good at thinking up potential storylines, so...if you have been itching to play with Shizuka or Vivian, or both, don't be shy.

I'd also like to thank every single one of you for making this a successful RPG. We wouldn't be where we are now without you. There's activity everywhere and minimal, if any, drama. If you have any questions and/or complaints, or suggestions for future activities, please post them here. :)

Thanks everyone!

~ Ilene

ETA: We have enough characters for Ancient Egypt at the moment. I have to presume that anyone who did not reply up to this point were not interested in that plot point.

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