First meeting

Oct 20, 2008 23:14

The door to Mai's shop slammed shut as she rushed out of her room, running as fast as her tall purple boots would let her. "STOP, THEIF!! GET BACK HERE!!" The man in front of her looked back, a woflish grin on his face, and sped up. "DAMMIT, GET BACK HERE!!!"

How could she have let herself get so carried away with the other woman in the shop? She was an accomplice to this robbery, she was sure of it, because as soon as the man had rushed out of the store, the woman high-tailed it out of there as well. "I WILL KICK YOUR ASS FOR THIS!"

Set had been walking aimlessly, trying to get a feel for the town and how to get around on foot. He was absolutely determined to avoid car rides when possible, so he'd need basic knowledge of where things were and the distance between them. ...Not that he had much else to do anyway, considering he had no money and very few friends. Friends that tended to be busy at that, which was one thing Set was not in this strange era.

He walked with his hands in the pockets of his slacks - he was getting moreso used to clothes of this era, but had yet to get himself into casual wear. He was a regal man and jeans and a t-shirt just wasn't something he was ready for. So trousers and nice collared shirts made up his wardrobe when he could not resort to the comfort of his robes.

The priest had been gazing off distantly when he heard a woman shouting a ways off. He snapped into focus and saw a man racing toward him and the woman was a ways behind, accusing him of stealing from her. He instinctively braced himself, ready to intercept the man, then thought better of it - this guy was broader than the tall, very slim priest and it might draw attention if he effortlessly overpowered this guy as he knew he could. But he had stolen, so it was the right thing to do. And the woman chasing him was beautiful. Very beautiful, in fact.

Without another thought, Set lunged as the man neared him and pulled the theif's back to his chest, one arm snug around the man's torso, the other gripping the back of his neck. The one on his neck emitted a small pulse, keeping the man from struggling much but not paralyzing him so it was not too suspicious. "I've got him, get the..." He trailed off. Guards wasn't the word, but he forgot who enforced laws here.

All Mai heard was 'I've got him' so she rushed toward him, her tight leather skirt hugging her body as she moved. The mass of blonde wavy hair that was so trademark of Mai swished opposite of her hips.

Was that really? "Kai-" No, it couldn't be Kaiba...she could spot Seto a mile away and this definitely wasn't Seto, so who was he? Was he related to Kaiba? He had to be.

With a sly smirk on her face, she came up to the robber, stole back the two expensive pieces of lingerie that he had stolen, resisting the urge to kick his legs out from under him. With her eyes focused on Seth, she lifted an eyebrow. "My, my...who woulda' guessed my hero would look so much like Kaiba. What's your name?"

Set kept ahold of the man as he gazed back at the woman, not that he could struggle much anyway. "I get that a lot." He said softly, his tanned flesh one of very few visual differences between the two men. He decided not to lie to her about the cousin thing. "My name is Set."

The priest was a very respectful man and therefore did not let his eyes wander the leather-clad woman's body. Although he did want to.

Mai unabashedly let her eyes roam Seth's frame, the clothing he was wearing clinging to him perfectly. He looked rather dashing in those clothes, his tanned skin contrasting nicely with the lighter colors.

When she was done giving him a rather thorough once over, she locked eye with him again and lifted an eyebrow. "Kudos on your fabulous tan. I was too busy this summer to spend much time sunbathing..." She'd almost forgotten about the robber, but since he seemed content to be held by Seth, she would let him be for now. She had a new 'hero' to thank.

"Well, you still look great." Set said, then wanted to die for having said it. He was usually rather well-spoken but for some reason this woman had him flabbergasted. He smirked a bit shyly in response to his embarrassment, also all but forgetting the robber.

Mai was about to respond when the robber got a second wind, Seth's spell apparently wearing off. He struggled and strangled in his arms while Mai glared. Finally it was time for her to take action. She grabbed the robber's hair, pulling his head violently back. "STOP SQUIRMING OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!"

The priest was taken aback, rather stunned and impressed by the forcefulness of this woman. He tightened his grip on the man, just in case he should try to lash at her. "Do you think we should turn him in?"

"One step ahead of you." Mai let her free hand travel to the slim pocket of her slip skirt, pulling out a phone which she instantly dialed. Speaking into it, she called out the street corner they were on and nodded, making a sound of agreement. Then, she hung up and replaced her phone where it was. "They'll be here ASAP. You sure you don't mind holding him for me?"

"I don't mind at all." The priest said honestly. After all, this was at least making his day somewhat eventful and the longer it lasted, the longer he could talk to this beautiful stranger.

Suddenly, Mai's eyes went slightly wide in realization and she laughed a hearty laugh. "Where are my manners? The name's Mai. I own the lingerie shop just down the block."

"It is very nice to meet you, Mai." Set said softly with a slight smile. He was still intent on keeping his eyes from wandering too much, but as he stood their longer and got more comfortable in her presence, he did start to look her over. Just a little.

She was well aware of his slightly wandering eyes and she was quite impressed that he had lasted that long without checking her out. Mai tossed her hair, taking her hand away from the man's head since he had slackened in Seth's hands (apparently the spell was working again?). "Nice to meet me? Honey, you're the one that saved my ass just now! It's wonderful to meet you. So, what's my hero up to for the rest of the day?

"I'm new around here." Set said softly, deciding not to make a point of just how much of an understatement that was. "So my schedule is very open for the rest of the day." He couldnt help but smile, their was something about how assertive she was that had him entirely captivated.

"Perfect! I'm commandeering the rest of your day and I won't take 'No' for an answer." Mai had no problem being assertive and she also had no problem assertively thinking about the two of them together. He was a gorgeous man, his skin a perfect texture and color, his eyes perfectly contrasting to them. "I'm taking you out to lunch."

It was all Set could do not to make a face. As awful as Japanese lunch could potentially be, for whatever reason he thought he could put up with it if it meant spending more time with this woman. However, if he could get away with it... "How do you feel about Egyptian food? He asked with something of a smirk.

"I I can't remember the last time I had it. Sounds like a perfect dish for lunch, though. Got a restaurant or do I need to call information?" Mai asked, watching the eyes of her robber roll as they flirted right in front of him. She locked her eye with his again as she waited for an answer.

"I know a place." Set said with a smile. He was growing weary from holding the spell for so long so he tigthened his grip around the man's torso and on the back of his neck so he could release the spell and use just the strength of his body to keep the man still.

Within a matter of minutes, the police had come, detained the criminal, took the report for the crime, and took the clues she gave about the girl who was an accomplice in the robbery, then left.

Mai still had her pieces on her hands so she gave Seth a small grin and gestured with her head for them to start walking. "Let's go back to my store. I'll get my purse and we can be on our way."

The Egytian followed her eagerly, still thrilled about having something to do for the afternoon as well as a new friend. A very attractive new friend and one that seemed interested in him at least to a degree. He wondered if she'd still seem that way after she knew more about him, but the answer to that would come in time.

Mai opened the door and slipped into the room, keeping the door open to let him in. "You can sit on that couch over there." She pointed at the plush fuchsia couch pointed toward the changing rooms as she moved to hang up the pieces. "I'll be done in a minute."

"Alright." Set moved to the couch she'd gestured to, letting his fingers course over the fabric for a moment before his sat down. He greatly appreciated the quality of furniture in this time, among many other things. If only he could get used to cars.

As she watched him from her cash register, opening it to quickly check over the money. She closed it just as gently and kept her eyes on Seth for as long as she could before moving, taking her purse, and fishing out her keys. "All right, Hero~ Let's get the hell outta here and get some delicious food."

The priest gave a slight smile and stood, straightening his clothes. He always felt the need to do so when he stood, very unused to the way they laid on him. "It isn't far, we could walk if you like?" He really hoped she would not prefer a cab.

"Today is a perfect day for walking." She couldn't hate her thieves so much because they had brought him to her. Mai, with her trademark smirk on her face, moved and let him out of her store before putting the 'closed for lunch' sign up and locking her store. "Show me the way, Hero?"

"Certainly." He really didn't mind her simply calling him 'hero' in fact, it was rather flattering. Set turned toward the restruant and led the way at a brisk pace, his long legs always carried him quickly.

"So you're a fast walker, huh?" She kept up with his pace, not really complaining. She just wanted to spend as much time with this fascinating new man as possible. Adjusting her purse on her shoulder, Mai flashed him a smirk and flipped her hair. "Hope you aren't always this fast~"

Set smiled, a smile that was rarely so broad. "I can slow down if you like." He eased his pace a bit, forgetting that not everybody was comfortable keeping up with him.

Mai's eyes reflected her smile as she easily kept his pace. He had to remember that in stilettos and a tight leather skirt, it was harder to keep up with a trying pace. "Fast is good sometimes, but not before going to eat a large lunch, don't you think?"

"I suppose, and I have the unfair advantage as far as footwear goes. " The Egyptian shrugged, giving his head a slight jerk to whip some of the hair out of his eyes.

Mai was caught staring at him for a moment until she shook her head and looked forward again. "I suppose you do. I guess if you were wearing my shoes, you wouldn't be so eager to set a racer's pace." She laughed again, their conversation light-hearted still.

"Forgive my correction, but if I were wearing your shoes, I'd be flat on my face and potentially injured." Set smirked, both at the conversation and that he realized she'd been staring at him.

"It takes a strong person to wear heels. I bet you could do it if you tried." Mai moved with him as they neared the restaurant. Through a simple process of elimination, she found the restaurant and came up to the door. She fully expected him to open the door for her since he did seem like that kind of man.

Set did indeed speed up a bit to beat her to the door. He pulled it open for her and gave a dramatic gesture for her to go in first, his hair once again hanging in his bright blue eyes.

Mai caught the image and stored it in her mind for later use, noting how dashing he looked. She stepped up and passed him, murmuring, "Careful, Hero. You're more attractive than you think..."

"What is the fun in being careful?" Set smirked a bit sheepishly after the comment but tried to cover it with his statement, following her into the restruant.

Mai had already given the hostess a two person-party notice and soon they were being lead to secluded seat by a window. Mai took her seat and the menu, watching as Seth sat down. She'd already decided to let him order for her, wanting to see what he would pick.

Set eased into his seat and lifted his menu, letting his eyes wander it. Eating real food was such a treat for him, it was a huge decision as to what he would have this time. "Do you have any idea what you want?" He asked, his eyes never left the menu.

Well, she wasn't expecting him to want the food more than her. It was, honestly, a nice challenge. She leaned forward gently, her voice a thick purr. "Why don't you pick for me? You seem to know what you're doing."

The priest's eyes lifted to her. That tone had won back his attention. His tongue darted to wet his lips and then he lowered his eyes to the menu again, a smirk pulling at his lips. "I'm sure I can find something we'll both like."

Mai was still enjoying his presence, studying his movements and making mental pictures of them. He was a fully attractive man (despite the fact that she couldn't imagine being attracted to anyone that looked like Kaiba). "Don't disappoint me, Hero, or I'll have to find you a new nickname."

"I'd hate to lose it, it is an impressive nickname to earn." Set chuckled softly. Laughter always felt strange to him, he was brought up to be generally stoic, but it had a relieving quality to it so he never minded when it did happen. "Ah, here is something very traditional, I'm sure you'll like it." He flagged the waitress when she walked by and ordered Fattah for both of them.

Mai handed the waitress her menu then turned to look back at Seth, struck again by the sheer dashing nature he had. She winked at him, flicking her hair back to expose her collar bone. "Then don't upset me and you'll be able to keep it. What did you order for us, hmm?"

"It is a soup with meat embedded in rice with crushed pita bread. Very filling." Set rested his hands on the table, lacing his long fingers together.

"Mm, sounds divine." Mai leaned her head against her hand, watching him still. If he looked so much like Kaiba, she figured she would have met him before this. "You must be new here, right? You look so much like Kaiba that I doubt you'd stay here for long once you found out how much of a 'celebrity' he is around here."

"Oh, I've had a brief visit here once before. Fortunately this time the media is much less interested in following me." Set smiled though it was more of a grimace. Those were not fond memories.

"You were hounded by the media? Your life is starting to sound much more interesting than I though, hon..." She grinned at him, trying to keep the conversation light. She didn't enjoy seeing this man wince at his memories, but it surprised her that she seemed to care so much right off the bat.

"You have no idea." Set mused before he could stop himself. His face softened again, though he hoped she wouldn't look into that statement too closely. He hoped to establish more of a bond with her before he told her the truth.

"That's good. I don't enjoy boring men." She let her eyes soften again, mirroring his expression. Soon, their food was brought out, but Mai noticed the clouds outside of their windows starting to darken. "Looks like rain..." The image of Set, wet with rain and with her in the street, was almost too much for her to think of at the dinner table. Why was she so affected by this man?

Set smiled, a warmer and deeper smile than usual. "Ah, rain is always good." He mused before starting into his food.

Mai lifted her spoon and stirred the food before gathering a bit up into the utensil. "If you want to keep that nickname and it starts to rain, you might wanna get me an umbrella...or take that nice shirt off and let me use it as an umbrella~"

"I don't have an umbrella." Set said after swallowing. "But then, I do enjoy the rain and I would hate to lose my nickname..." His tone was very amused.

Mai swallowed a bit of her food, savoring the spices that swirled around her tastebuds. She was surprised she hadn't gotten to the restaurant sooner, since she enjoyed the flavor of the dish. She flashed him a closed-mouthed grin (in case she had food in her teeth) and pushed her long, wavy hair behind her ear. "It would be a shame for you to lose that nickname. I think it's pretty fitting. Why don't you think up a name for me, hm?"

"I'm sure I'll find one for you eventually." Set said after another bite. He smiled after the word 'eventually', hoping that they would have plenty more time together for such a thing. "For now, giving you my shirt when we leave should suffice."

"I'll look forward to it." She answered him in the same purr-like tone that she had earlier, taking another bite of her soup. Just as she swallowed it, the impending rain crashed down onto the ground with a large clap of thunder. "Ah...looks like you're going shirtless..."

"Yes, it appears that way." Set mused with a smirk before working on his food again. Perhaps if he did go through with it, it would endear her to him enough that when he did become very honest about who he was, she wouldn't just run off.

Breaking off some of the bread given to them, Mai dipped it into the soup and nibbled on the end, a smirk still on her lips. "I bet you'll look good without your shirt on..." She looked over at him again, her smirk widening at the thunder's roar.

Set pointed to the window in an absent gesture. "And soaking wet. You're really in for a treat, love." He smirked.

Almost done with her soup, Mai lifted an eyebrow and smirked. "So it seems. Can't wait~" How could she know so little about this man and, in the end, feel so very attracted to him?

The Egyptian was also finishing his soup, eating it steadily to speed things along. He was trying to gauge just when he'd tell her everything. And not that he was a lecherous man, but he hoped he might be able to steal just one little kiss before she disregarded him for insane and went on with her life. Not that he was sure he could get himself to do it.

She watched as the waitress came over, handing Seth the tab. Mai didn't think of Seth's financial situation since he was wearing a very nicely made shirt. Mai just thanked the waitress and excused herself to the bathroom while he paid. She was smart enough to remove her mascara, since it wasn't waterproof, and check that her liner was in place. Hopefully her makeup wouldn't run too much. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her with raccoon eyes. When she came back, she straightened her skirt and smiled at him, leaning against his chair. "Ready to go, Hero?"

Set was staring at the tab and the handful of money in his hand. He was starting to earn meager amounts from Yuugi's mother - he refused to take any more handouts from her since she was already providing him with food and shelter, so he now helped with any chores or maintainance the house or shop needed and she would pay him for whatever he did. He was still looking for real work, but for now that would suffice and he at least felt like he earned some of what he was getting. He still didn't understand exactly how the currency work, and especially not a tip, so he was rather embarrassed that she had returned and he was still staring at it in confusion.

Mai watched him for a moment then smiled when she noticed there was no tip. Normally she'd be turned off, but with him it only was endearing to see that he had some sort of flaw. "Oh, don't worry, Hon~ Math gets the best of all of us. I'm just good with tips. You get to be when you work for them." She bent and informed him of the appropriate amount to leave the waitress before pulling back to stand straight again and wait for him.

"Thank you." Set said, dropping more money on the table. "As I said, I have not been here long." He re-counted once more and was satisfied, slipping the little that was left back into his pocket and standing.

Mai waited for him to stand before she squeezed her way out of the restaurant, standing under the awning of the store while the rain poured down heavily on the sidewalks. She knew that his thin shirt wouldn't help her much from the rain and now she felt slightly guilty for making him take it off (only slightly), but it was time for him to step up to the plate. She turned to him with an expectant look. "Now or never, Hero~"

"Now it is, then." Set grinned He undid the first few buttons of his shirt, then just slid it the rest of the way off. His bronze torso was not overly muscled, but clearly defined, and was lean but not overly thin. Generally, the man looked very healthy and it flattered his frame. He handed her his shirt. "There you are, for whatever good it will do you."

Mai hadn't expected him to actually remove it but she did enjoy the sight after it was off. What a dangerously attractive color his skin was...and the way it molded around his form. It was perfect in her eyes. At least it was one of those unusually warm days for fall, because she wouldn't want him sick from this. She pulled the shirt up and over her head like a makeshift umbrella then, with one hand, grabbed his arm and rushed out into the rain with him. After a few minutes of ridiculous running, the rain covering her instantly even without his shirt and dripping off the leather skirt she wore, she turned to grin at him and burst out laughing. They were approximately a block and a half away from her store.

Set laughed softly with her, his tone rich with amusement. He was trying to pay attention to where he was going, but he really had a lot of trouble keeping his eyes off of Mai.

Mai was coated with water from the rain, his shirt providing little shelter from the onslaught of water. She soon lowered it from her head and slipped it onto her arms, letting the fabric cling to her before she reached for his arm again and started running toward her store. Once there, she hurried to get her keys out (since her store had no awning) and unlocked the doors, ushering him inside once the doors were open. She followed, closed the door, and sighed, still chuckling.

Set smiled, his now drenched hair matted to his forehead and dripping in front of his eyes. His slacks were weighed down from being drenched and now hung lower on his hips. "So my shirt didn't help much, but it's the thougth that counts, right?"

"Definitely the thought that counts." She grinned at him, pulling her long, blonde waves into a bun and securing it with a hair tie. The water rung out of her hair and spilled down the back of her, coating her already skin-tight clothing more. She again let her eyes run up and down his form, supremely satisfied with the sight. "You were right...You do look great shirtless."

"I hoped you'd approve. More people went shirtless where I am from, so I had heard it before." He winked, then let his eyes wander her again. After all, she'd done it rather blatantly to him again, so Set decided it was fair play.

"Where're you from? Where is that, exactly?" She turned to walk away from him and toward her bathroom, swaying her hips as she did so. She came back with two hand towels. "This is all I have. We'll have to make due or stay completely wet, either's fine with me." She winked over at him and tossed him the towel, water droplets skimming down her legs.

Set smirked a bit - that was the question he'd been waiting for and dreading. He grasped the towel she tossed him with an effortless catch, using it to dry his face. "...I'd tell you, but you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me." She answered, wiping her own face off with the towel she had in her hands. She used it to rub at her arms and then leaned against her counter to rub the water droplets off of her legs.

Set moved closer, lowering his voice to just barely above a whisper. "I suppose more important than believing me, I worry you won't want anything to do with me anymore once I tell you. Not that I could blame you."

She reached and took her hair down out of the bun, shaking it out so the damp waves fell over her shoulder. His whisper was intoxicating and she found herself leaning forward to listen to him intently. She looked over at him, catching his eyes as she spoke, matching his volume. "...Try me, Hero. You might be surprised."

"Do not laugh, because I'm nowhere near joking." Set said, his whisper intense. It was not a demand, more of a request. He wet his lips with a quick dart of his tongue and went on. "I'm from Egypt, but from another era. I was a High Priest in Khemet and...I have no idea how or why I'm here." His sapphire eyes studied her, trying to gauge whether or not she believed him.

Mai watched him, her expression showing nothing out of the ordinary. It was as if he hadn't even dropped that into her conversation. She seemed to think that was perfectly normal. "....And?" She asked, grinning over at him. "I knew you had to be Egyptian with that gorgeous tan."

The priest blinked, clearly stunned by her lack of response. "...Did you miss the part that I am not of this era? I belong ages back in the past and woke up in a park about a week ago in this strange place for no reason I have found. Does this not bother you?"

Mai couldn't help but laugh at him, reaching out to touch his cheek gently. "Honey, you wouldn't be shocked if you'd gone through the things I have. I know people from your era, too. Mana and Bakura and Yami...You're not the only one."

Set smiled and looked incredibly relieved. He nuzzled his cheek slightly against her hand, enjoying the touch. "Well, that takes care of that."

"So it does~" She was beyond impressed that he hadn't made some sort of crude joke about her line of work and that his eyes had been on her the entire time and not wandering around her store. Oddly enough, she found a genuine warmth spread through her as his cheek brushed against her hand. It was so odd that such a little movement could stir such a big reaction in her.

"I must say, I'm very glad I managed to catch your bandit today. I must say, you've enchanted me with seemingly no effort." Set left his voice at barely above a whisper, allowing himself to purr his words softly to her.

Mai watched him for a moment, judging his words. For once, she was utterly speechless and she let his words wash over her, enjoying the extra warmth they gave her cold body. She lifted her eyes up to his and locked them together, studying the color. "Enchanted? That's a pretty heavy word for someone you've just met. You so sure I've enchanted you?"

"You got me to give you my shirt when I knew it would provide you no shelter at all, simply because you wanted it and I had no hesitation in doing so. I think my wording is appropriate." He chuckled softly, his eyes not leaving hers.

"I've gotten men to give me a lot more than just their shirts, dear..." The smirk on her face was nothing short of flirtatious and her eyes stayed locked on his, but it was such a new feeling that she was experiencing. "But, if we're throwing around fancy, romantic terms, I guess I've got to say something back? You've...captured my attention~"

"I'm sure you have." Set mused. A woman as beautiful as she was could get just about anything from any man. And especially from him, as far as he was concerned.

"Let's not talk about other men, hmm? Let's talk more about you." She took his arm and led him over to the couch (after, of course, turning the 'closed' sign on her store's windows) and sat down beside him. "Where're you staying, Hero? You've got to have a place in the city, am I right?"

"Well, I've been living in a place called the GameShop with a group of people." Set said softly as he settled himself against the couch. "Having no legal identity, I have yet to find any kind of work." He realized that these things were probably turn-offs, but he was an honest man.

A lack of a job was a turn-off for a man from this century. She knew that, legally, he wouldn't be able to find work. She leaned against the arm of her couch, pulling her feet up under her as she sat on the cushion. "'re in need of some employment? Care to work in a lingerie shop?"

Set's eyes brightened a bit, his usually very serene face suddenly looking very hopeful. "Really? You could really employ me?"

Mai's own eyes softened. He looked adorable there, with the hope in his eyes that she didn't at all want to crush. She waved her hand and spoke, "Sure, I could! It'd be illegal unless we made up some name and got you registered to be a legal citizen, which I'm not sure we can do, but who cares? Don't do any other illegal things and I'll make sure no one notices~"

"Alright. I'm not all that familiar with the laws here, but I'll do my best." Set smiled, a warm and genuine smile.

Mai watched him for a moment, taking in the perfect image of him with his smile. She found herself wanting to see that smile every moment she could. "Don't worry, Hero. I won't let the authorities take you in. Can't have you thrown in jail, now can we? Who would protect my store?"

"Is that the work you'll have me do? Security?" Set asked, very curious as to what he'd be doing to earn his money. He fussed at the cuffs of his drenched sleeves, now regretting that he hadn't tried a t-shirt that day.

"Mm, well it's either that or be an in-store model," which he definitely could since his body was perfection, "but all I have for men now are boxers and assless chaps." She grinned at him, pulling her hair into a low ponytail then securing it at the base of her neck. "But in all reality, I think I'll have you as security and a sales clerk."

Set chuckled softly. "I'm sure I could to those things. Anything for income." He touseled his hair a bit, his hair was drying and he didn't want it to stay matted to his forehead. "When can I start?"

"Whenever's good for you. I'd be fine having you here tomorrow. We open at ten." She answered, leaning more into the couch. Part of her was tempted to see if he would give her a foot rub since, apparently, she'd know him for years and that wouldn't be weird or anything. It was just a fleeting thought that made her smile at her own selfish ideas.

"Can we get a false identification for me by then?" Set asked, wiping at his bare torso with the handtowel he had since he was getting a bit chilly now.

She shook her head. "Definitely not. Not by tomorrow. But until then, I can just pay you under the table." She shrugged a little. Sure this was heavily illegal, but she couldn't let him go without income, could she?

"Now, I won't have you getting into trouble on my account, Mai." Set said, his tone somewhat stern. "I need you to be absolutely sure that nothing can get you caught until we get an indentity for me."

Mai lifted an eyebrow, a genuine smile on her face. He was concerned for her. It was a nice, new feeling. "Hero, you worry so much. As long as you aren't going around, buying drugs, getting caught, and giving them my name as your employer, no one will know. No one cares when you pay with cash."

"You needn't worry about that, love. I will not do anything to get you into trouble." Set was amused that she was already picking up on how much he really did worry about things, especially with people he was attached too.

His words produced a childish, girlish heart-flop and she found herself sighing, watching Seth with soft eyes. She noticed he was looking chilly a few moments too late and mentally slapped herself. "Give me a sec, I'll turn up the heat." She winked at him and moved off of the couch, adjusting the thermostat to give them a suitable warmth. When she sat down, she was much, much closer to him, their bodies nearly touching. "That better?"

"Much better." Set purred, not entirely sure if she was asking about the temperature or the closed distance. Whichever it was, his answer was the same.

"So...a priest, hm?" She moved and put her fingers up to her hair, smoothing out a stray hair. "Must'a had a lot of ladies chasing after you in your day..."

The priest looked almost a bit sheepish for just a moment, a somewhat coy smirk on his lips. "Perhaps."

"Oh, yes or no, Hero? I want to know who's memories I'm up against." She leaned back into the bed, a matching smirk on her face.

"Well, yes." Set said, stretching a bit. "They chased, but only a few actually caught me."

"Mm? And who were the lucky ladies? No one I have to worry about, I hope." There was no reason to play coy forever. She was obviously interested in him.

"No one you should worry about, no. With two of them, we parted on good terms. The other..." He frowned slightly as he tried to chose his words. "Well, people of my time were a lot more frail to illnesses. I was not able to save her."

Well, that put a damper on their light, flirting conversation. She gave a sad, sympathetic smile, and reached out to touch his hand gently. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Set shrugged slightly. "It was ages ago. Literally, I suppose now." He smiled gently to assure her, letting his other hand stroke over hers.

"Must still hurt to think about sometimes, though." If she had had a major relationship and that person had died, she figured she'd be pretty broken up about it for a while. She smiled at his touch, light as it was, and turned her hand over so he could caress her palm.

"It does, but that's alright. I've done my mourning and there is no need to dwell on that now." Set mused, letting his long fingers glide over her palm.

His soft touches sent soft shivers up and down her arm. "Well, then, that's good. Time for another lady in your life...By the way, I'm commandeering that role as of now." She winked over at him, letting him decide just how serious she was.

"You tend to commandeer a lot." Set smirked a bit, letting his fingers trace up her forarm before traveling down again. "Not that I mind."

"You don't seem so helpless yourself." She let her other hand lift up and brush at the still damp waves in her hair. "I'm sure you could keep up with me."

"I'm eager to try." The priest was reminded of his own hair and again fussed with it with his free hand to keep it from drying against his forehead.

"Mmm, what kind of girl do you think I am, Hero~" She smiled over at him, still happy to just joke with him. Honestly, she was finding that her mind was eagerly accepting the idea of the two of them 'keeping up
with each other.

"I think that you are an assertive, self-sufficient woman who is not even remotely afraid to speak her mind." Set's fingers still wandered her flesh absently.

"Mm, good answer, Hero~" She extended her arm to give him more access to it. She noticed that, outside, the rain had let up enough for the sun to peek through the clouds. "Looks like we picked the wrong time to leave the restaurant." But without the rain, they'd both still be dry and he wouldn't have had to give her his shirt.

"I disagree. Our timing was perfect." Set explored the newly offered space with his fingers in long, slow trails.

"Mm, do you? Good. I'd much rather be caught in the rain with you." She would give just another anything at this moment for them to still be out in the rain, but this subtle, soft flirting wasn't so bad either.

"Please tell me that it rains a lot here." He smiled, shifting himself just a little bit closer.

"It rains enough." She answered with another wink, her voice just a slow purr. She was so tempted to throw her legs over his lap and pull him down on top of her, but she'd leave that for later.

Set chuckled, the sound low and a bit husky. "I like that answer. I'm sure we can spend many more afternoons running through the streets with me half-dressed."

"Now, now, I can't leave all the fun to you, can I?" She asked, reveling in the sound of his voice at it's most alluring volume. "Let me run around half-clothed sometime too."

"Of course I would not deny you the opportunity." Set purred to her, loving how willing she was to flirt with him.

"Good. Next time it rains, it's my turn~" She was so lost in this moment. She didn't realize the time or that she had shut the store down for an entire afternoon. She didn't really care, because he would be here tomorrow and the next day and the next, so the store could wait for one little afternoon.

"I might hold you to that, be careful, love." The priest realized that his hand had finally come to rest on her forearm.

But it provided her a constant warmth that she treasured. She leaned closer to him so that she would whisper in his ear. "You'd better hold me to it."

Set reveled in the little shiver her whisper trilled down his spine. Should he kiss her? He was hesitent only because of the vibe she gave him, he knew she was the kind of girl who wanted to be in control and he was willing to give that to her. "I wouldn't disappoint."

"Good." She breathed against his ear, letting her fingers trial over his skin on his perfect jaw as she withdrew her body and leaned against the couch again. It was getting later than she thought, around five, but she wouldn't tell him the time because she didn't want him to leave...even if that was selfish.

The priest let out a soft, pleased sigh as she leaned back against the couch. His fingertips slid down her arm when she moved and he let them fall onto the fabric of the couch between were they sat. Frankly, he did not care at all what time it was. There was no one that would really care he was still gone, though Yuugi's mother would likely be worried if he didn't surface at all that night.

Mai let her hand trail down so that it rested on his for a moment. She turned his over and intertwined their fingers, pressing her palm against his. "So..." Her voice was a bit louder, to signify the end of this particular intimate situation. "...What is my hero up to later?"

"Let's see, I have no job, no family, very limited friends...I'd say that I'm pretty free." Set chuckled.

"Ah, ah, ah, you have a job now. Your boss won't be very happy if you forget that~" She grinned over at him, lifting another hand to trail through his still damp hair. "Then I suppose you're going to spend a little longer with me? Maybe I should go buy you a new shirt..."

"It's not like me to be so forgetful." He closed his eyes momentarily at the feel of her fingers sifting through his hair. "And I have plenty of shirts now, that is not necessary."

"Then you decide what we do..." She challenged, watching him with flirtatious eyes. "You'd better make it good, too..."

"That is hardly fair, I've only been here a handful of days." Set sneered playfully.

"Then perhaps we should get up and go get warm somewhere?" She asked, starting to stand up and then tug on his arm. "Let's get some coffee..."

"Yes, there are many places to get coffee." He mused somewhat absently as he stood up. The only coffee shop he'd been to more than once was the one closest to the game shop. In his wandering to get a grasp of locations in the town, he was a bit stunned by how many cafes there were - he'd lost count but decided they'd make pretty good landmarks once he got to know them better.

Mai pulled herself up off the couch and straightened her clothing. She moved, pulling on her short purple jacket and zipping it up before looking around, "Mm...I don't have a jacket for men here. Think you'll be ok in your wet shirt without one?"

"I've always enjoyed rain, I don't have any need for protection from it." Set said, tugging at the wet shirt that clung to him heavily

Mai marveled at the way his body formed under the shirt. God, he was a gorgeous piece of man, wasn't he? She reached for his hand, leading him out of the store and onto the damp street. She proceeded to lock her store tightly and then reached for his hand again. "There's a shop a block or so down."

Set gestured with his free hand, giving her fingers a squeeze with the other. "Lead the way, love."

"Mm, gladly." She did love the way that sounded from him. She found it odd when her heart skipped a beat at the endearment. Odd, but not unpleasant. She did so love to hear him say that. Soon, she had led them down the block, sticking close to his side, and pointed as they approached the shop. "Right there."

Set walked with her, finding it easier to keep a more comfortable pace for her now that they were holding hands. And that tight but somewhat intoxicating feeling in his chest that it gave him was something of an improvement as well.

She came up toward the door, wondering if he would open it for her. She definitely didn't have to open this door with a key, so he could easily go do that for her. This nice silence between them made her apprehensive to break it. She didn't want to lose the connection they seemed to be making.

The priest did not hesitate even for a moment - as soon as they were close enough, he released her hand and moved ahead to pull open the door. He made a grand gesture as he often did when showing a woman chivalry.

She smiled at him, winking as she passed him. She stood at the end of the short line, extending her hand for him once he came up behind her. "What are you thinking about getting?"

"Tea." Set replied automatically. "I've tried coffee but I did not like it much. But I'll drink any kind of tea." He mused as he took her hand again, his eyes coursing over the posted options as they stood in line.

She felt a slightly odd feeling pass over her as she realized just how easy it felt to hold his hand. Somewhere, she felt like she'd passed flirting, but she shook her head and sighed. Maybe if she didn't focus on that right now she'd be ok. "I think I'll just get a medium coffee and maybe a biscotti or something..."

"I hear that scones are good." Set said softly. Now that he no longer needed to study the menu, his gazed around casually. However, his eyes still roamed back to wander Mai every now and then as they moved up in line.

She could feel his eyes on her so she tried to give him the best angle of her she could (not that she could find a bad angle of herself). She sauntered with him up to the register, ordering her medium coffee and two sticks of biscotti. She turned to Set with a smile. "Go ahead. My treat~"

"Thank you, love." He said softly to her, very grateful since the restruant had wiped out most of his measely income. He ordered green tea and a raspberry scone, deciding to trust Kisara's tastes.

Oh, how she wanted just to hear him call her that over and over again. She snapped herself out of her thoughts, though, and paid for their items. Soon, she received her change and moved them over to the side, waiting patiently for their food. "Green tea and a raspberry scone...Interesting. I'm not a big fruit fan, but I do love chocolates." Definite hint.

"Chocolate ice cream is good." Set agreed, though he'd never had any other sort. However, he was sure to make a mental note that she liked them.

Taking her coffee and treats, she waited for him to take his when they were presented to him. She grinned, finding a place to sit after he had taken what was his, and started immediately to rip up sugars and pour them into her coffee. "Mm, chocolate ice cream is good, but ice cream in general is good too."

"I'll agree with that. I am a rather picky eater so I have yet to bring myself to try much of this era." Set also added some sugar to his tea. "But of what I have tried, ice cream is the best."

"Oh, leave it to me. I'll have you eating the best of what Japan has to offer soon enough." She said with a wink, stirring her coffee before taking a sip of it to assess its sweetness.

"We'll see." Set challenged her playfully. He sipped at his tea, being cautious since he knew it would be hot.

She lifted an eyebrow, dipped her biscotti into her coffee until it was sufficiently soaked, and held it out just a tiny bit away from his lips. "Bite it," She challenged back, her voice a soft purr.

"Oh, but I am not that easy to coax. Besides, I have a scone." Set purred right back with a coy smirk.

Mai took her free hand and moved, sliding his scone (on it's napkin) away from him and over to her side of the table. "...Now you don't..." She lifted her eyebrow one more time and offer the biscotti to him. "...Bite it."

Set watched her and for once found himself fighting laughter. His smirk widened a bit. "You make a persuasive arguement..." Set leaned forward as if to take a bite, but then hesitated. After all, he was having fun. "But it will take more than that."

Mai was fully aware that she was going to win and when he leaned forward, she grinned. However, her grin fell as he didn't take her bait and she exhaled with exasperation. She leaned forward across the table, bringing her lips closer and closer to his...only to take a bite of the biscotti she'd offered. "Your loss. It's delicious."

"I'm sure you are." The moment the words left him, Set felt like the wind was knocked out of him. That was a true slip of the tongue and he sat back a bit, the faintest hint of a blush on his bronzed cheeks. "...I mean it is."

He looked so adorable that way. She reached and tugged on his shirt collar, pulling him closer to her. His compliment created a smile on her face and, after she swallowed her biscotti, she tilted her head at him and whispered, "Care to test out that theory?"

"Only with the utmost respect." Set murmured, his embarrassment annhilated by her assertive suggestion. He took his chance then and leaned to close the distance between them. He pressed his lips to hers, his kiss firm yet somehow very gentle.

She didn't really think that he was going to kiss her but she was so pleasantly surprised when he did. Dropping the biscotti, she put her other hand on the other side of his collar and pulled him a bit closer to her, continuing the kiss for as long as was considered proper in public. When she pulled back, her eyes were dancing. "Mm...I think you're the one that tastes delicious here."

"I'm glad you approve." The priest said as he settled back into his chair a bit more, his tongue darting to cross his lips. He loved the way the feel of her lips lingered there.

She sat back in her chair, dipping her biscotti in her coffee again. She let her eyes linger over his form, over the perfect shape of his lips, the sheen on them after his tongue darted out. Mm... "So no compliment for little ol' me? I have to say, that's less than impressive~"

Set just then seemed to remember he had tea. He blinked down at it for a moment before he picked it up and took another sip. "I'm still a little dazed. That is a compliment in and of itself."

Mai grinned over at him. "Aah..I guess you're right." She took another bite of her biscotti and watched his adorable expression. He'd have to step up if it was going to be around her, since Mai was a whirlwind and he'd more than likely leave work exhausted just from trying to keep up with her.

Set was pretty pleased with himself that the chance he took went over so well. He reached across the table for his scone, now feeling more inspired to try it.

Mai watched as he took the scone back, swirling her biscotti around in her coffee. "Sure you don't want to try my biscotti?"

"I'm feeling a bit more ambitious now..." Set chuckled softly, taking another drink of tea.

"Still not ambitious enough to take a bite of my biscotti, it seems," She countered, holding it out for him to try again. "C'moooon...I'd like you to."

"Well, only because you want me to." Set finally leaned forward and took a bit, sitting back and contemplating the taste as he chewed.

Mai sighed, a smile on her face. "Thank you. I've never had to work so hard for someone to take a bite out of my food~"

Set smiled warmly at her. "I'm a lot of work, but I hope you'll find me worth the while."

Mai smiled, putting her biscotti on the table. She reached for his hand again, intertwining her fingers with his. "Hon, if I didn't think you were worth my time, I wouldn't be sitting here with you."

"That's true, but you only learned a moment ago that I am stubborn." Set chuckled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Oh, believe me. I've had my share of stubborn people. You'll be easy for me to crack." She grinned at him, hoping he got the joke in her voice. Allowing the squeeze, she gave one right back.

"I have a feeling you'll be one of the rare people that can break me of that pretty easily." The priest mused, taking another sip of tea.

Mai grinned and reached, leaning forward. "I'd like to try your scone. Care to share?" She asked, opening her mouth for him to slip a piece of scone inside.

Set complied without hesitation, putting his scone to her mouth so she could take a bite.

She let her lips close around the scone, their softness brushing against his fingertips as she pulled back. She chewed, swallowed, and smiled. "Delicious."

The priest took a bite after hers, again pleased with the lingering feel of her lips. Of course, he wished that the sensation were on his lips once again instead of his fingertips.

She watched him eat, pleased with the attention they'd gotten from their displays. It still shocked her that she could feel a bubbling in her. This sensation was something she'd missed for a while and it was nice to have it back. That little crush-like feeling.

Set was a little embarrassed now that he was noticing the attention. But he didn't regret any of it and given another opportunity for flirtatious interactions, he'd still take it.

She finished off her biscotti, sipping at the coffee. She wondered idly what time he'd have to go, but she was happy to fill that void with images of him the next day. For some reason, she didn't want to invite him back to her apartment just yet. She wanted to take it slow, or as slow as Mai could.

Set's mind was already wandering to those regions, but he was a gentleman and would let her control their pace. He finished his tea and nibbled at his scone, not all that hungry though he enjoyed the taste.

Mai noticed that he seemed lost in thought, so she plastered her feline smirk on her face and rested her head on her hand; her elbow on the table. "What's going on in that mind of yours, hm?"

"Oh, just day dreaming I suppose." Set answered innocently, but didn't lie.

"Day dreamin', hmm? Better be about me..." She purred, leaning her head against her hand once more.

The priest chuckled softly. "Why wouldn't it be?" His eyes roamed her once again, they seemed to like the now more familiar stroll. It still almost startled him how gorgeous she was.

She gave a soft smile, letting her hand tangle with his. How odd it was that her flirting had changed slightly. That she was happy to hold his hand, to catch his gaze in a way that wasn't accusing or challenging but complementary to his own. "Good. I enjoy it when people day dream about me." She couldn't say that she hadn't been doing the same about him just moments earlier.

"So, how long much longer do I get to enjoy your company for today?" Set asked, realizing that unlike him, she might actually need to be somewhere.

She looked down at her watch and sighed. "Damn..." She really didn't think it was so late. She had some work to do with the rent paperwork today before she could legitimately call it a day. "Not for much longer, I'm afraid. I've got paperwork to do tonight."

Set smiled warmly. "Ah, that's alright. After all, you'll see me tomorrow."

"That's right. Don't stand me up now, Hero. Wouldn't want to see me disappointed, would you?" Mai asked, settling her gaze into his comfortably.

"I couldn't possibly stand you up, love. And I'd certianly never disappoint someone that calls me 'Hero'." The priest assured her.

Smiling, she brushed her fingertips along the top of his hand. "Then you have enough time to walk me back to the store? I'd even be happier if you could walk me to my apartment..."

"I'll walk with you wherever you'd like to go." Set replied honestly, watching her delicate fingers course over his hand.

"Thank you." She adjusted her jacket and skirt before picking up her trash and waiting for him. As she passed a trash can, she dumped the trash in there and then moved to his side so he could do the same.

Soon enough, they'd made it outside and she instantly reached for his hand again.

Set discarded his trash in the same way and once they were outside and he saw her reach for his hand, he grasped it as though it were second nature now. His eyes shifted down to admire the sight - her hand seemed to fit perfectly in his and her fair skin complemented his darker skin just right.

She noticed the compliment of their skin colors and smiled against it. Their walk to her store was too short and she unlocked the door, letting them both in. She collected her papers and headed back to him. "To my apartment then? Hopefully you won't be so lonely without me tonight~"

"I will be fine." Set said softly, holding the door open for her now that she had her paperwork.

She flashed him a smile, adjusting the papers in her hand to lock the door once he came back out. "So my apartment isn't too far, but it's a few blocks away. Still want to walk with me?" She didn't know why she felt the need to make sure he was staying by her side.

"I'd walk you whether its next door or ten miles from here, love." Set replied, moving back to her side seemlessly.

"What a perfect Hero you are." She murmured, reaching again for his hand. As she strolled along in the surprisingly not-awkward silence, Mai let her mind wander to the next morning. She smiled at the excitement it gave her to think of him showing up the next day to work.

Set was trying to decide what he would wear the next day. He had a broader selection now that he and Kisara had gone shopping, but he had no idea what someone doing his job wore. So he decided it was best to ask. "...What should I wear when I'm working for you?"

Mai turned to look at him, lifting an eyebrow. "Mm..I'd prefer if you wore nothing at all~" She was only half joking, but she passed it off as a full joke with a laugh. "Wear whatever you'd like. I don't mind."

Set laughed along, still his soft, reserved chuckle. "I'll just throw something on, and if you don't like it we'll go with the naked idea." He joked back.

"Sounds perfect." She smiled over at him but then saw the cafe just one block from her apartment and sighed. "We're getting close, Hero. A block away."

"That is fine, we'll meet again in the morning." Set said warmly, letting her guide him.

She looked as they moved closer and closer to the apartment then sighed, feeling her hand tighten in response to being without him. "Tomorrow it is, then..."

Set stopped to study the surroundings, adding this area to his mental map. "What time should I be at the store?"

"Nn...we open at 11. Be there by 10? It'll give me a chance to show you around, teach you how to do things...I'll be there at 9:15." Mai added, hoping wondering if he'd shop up earlier just because she'd be there earlier.

"I'll keep that in mind, love." Set said, making a mental note of it. He was a morning person anyway, so the earlier the better.

With a smile gracing her lips, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to just below his ear. Then she spoke in a soft whisper. "See you tomorrow." And, before even she knew it, she was inside of her apartment building, feeling an emptiness without him near.

Set found himself standing there for awhile, somehow a bit disoriented now that he was alone. He looked around, deciding just where he was, then began walking home. He realized along the way that he probably hadn't lost his sense of direction, he just really didn't want to leave.

mai, set

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