Rain drops and mall shops

Sep 17, 2008 23:36

For some reason, Ryou had decided to brave the weather and go out to get himself something light to eat. There was a cafe near his apartment and he frequented it often. It was close enough for him not to mind going out in a little bit of rain, so soon enough he donned his tennis shoes, tied them tight, and grabbed the nearest umbrella. It was light blue, not that he cared what color it was.

Slipping on his solid black jacket, he stepped out of his apartment, made it out of the building entirely, and then instantly popped open the umbrella to save himself from the thick, fat raindrops that were falling from the sky. He watched, laughing gently to himself, as the women and children near him (and even some men) ran frantically through the rain to get to an underpass or a car. As much as he disliked being wet from the rain, it was, after all, just a little water.

Making his way to the cafe, he stood under the underpass with about three other people and proceeded to shake the excess water from his umbrella. He tried not to hit the others with it, but it was a crowded little area so he ended up getting the others a little wet as well. Apologizing, he simply slipped past them and into the cafe, unbuttoning his jacket as the warmth of the restaurant hit him.

Nice. It was quiet and seemingly peaceful in the restaurant even with the downpour outside. Just what he wanted.

After getting up late today, Jounouchi sat up on his bed as he stretched his arms and looked out the window; he then ran his hand through his messy locks as he saw it was raining. He sighed as he thought about going out tonight but if the weather was like this...why bother. He got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. The tall blond then dressed up in some worn jeans and a regular t-shirt, he then headed towards the kitchen for some lunch. 

When done with eating, Jounouhi decided to get some coffee since he really, REALLY needed one and its been a while since he had some...so he went to prepare it but found out he was out. Groaning, the blond then decided that even if it was raining, he could go to that cafe around the block, its been a while since he went there..right before he went to the states.  With that thought in mind, he puts on his boots and grabbed his jacket, he decided to leave the umbrella home since it wasn't raining too bad and he wasn't going far, Katsuya then walked out of the apartment and headed towards the cafe.

He started to lightly jog as the raindrops fell over him, damping his hair and clothes, but he didn't mind it...he actually kinda like the rain, it made him feel a bit relaxed for some reason and he continued his way, of course being careful to not bump into any people that were running for cover. He chuckled to himself as he reached the cafe and entered. Wow, it was crowded. He shook his head, the water drops falling around him as he did and made his way towards the line to get some coffee

Oddly enough, with the crowd, it wasn't as loud as it could have been. Perhaps it was the atmosphere that people were trying to preserve. Either way, Ryou was near the front of the line. One of the cashiers called him up within the next few minutes and Ryou politely placed his order for tea and a small blueberry scone. He stepped to the side, taking his recipt after he paid and simply waiting for his drink.

Slowly he turned to see the rest of the line and caught sight of some very familiar shaggy golden hair. "Jounouchi?" Well, this cafe wouldn't be quiet for long with him around.

Yawning tiredly, the tall blond started to look around as to distract himself sinc the line wasn't moving as much. He then ran a hand through his damp hair, smoothing it a bit. He then blinked as he heard his name and looked towards the direction of the voice; he then smirked at his friend and waved. "Yo, Ryou...sup, man? been a long time." he said as the line moved.

"Not very much." He responded, nodding back to the man. "This might be the last place I would expect to see you, especially on a day like today. Where you out in the rain or did you decide to brave the weather for some of their delicious pastries?"

He stood in place, letting the others who were called first have their places closer to the counter. His order should be up shortly, but he simply watched Jounouchi, scanning him with slow-moving eyes. "Did you not bring an umbrella, Jounouchi?"

"I braved the weather, my friend. I dont mind getting a little wet and beside its not that bad outside." he chuckled and then looked out the window. Jou then sighed as he saw it got a bit worse, oh well...looked like he had to run faster when he got home.

He then turned his attention towards his friend and grinned, "Nah, its alright I dont live far anyway. " he said as he finally reached the cashier and ordered his tall coffee, as the girl prepared it for him, he turned towards his white haired friend. "So what you been up to, Ryou? Life treating you well?" he asked and leaned over the counter.

"I suppose that makes sense, but it just isn't like many people, in my experience, to go out during a storm." He answered the blonde, watching as an employee finally handed him his tea and chosen scone. He thanked her and took the two items, turning to Jounouchi.

Honestly, he'd been hoping to simply sit by himself and enjoy his meal, but not manners insisted that he ask Jounouchi to join him. "Would you like to sit with me?" He asked, although he was slightly hoping the man would decline his offer. "Life has been treating me well. I've recently had a birthday. Miho served me dinner. How has your life been?"

Jou nodded as he listened to his friend and then the girl handed him his coffee but declined to get any sweets, he paid for his cup and stepped aside so the other costumers can order. He took a sip of his hot coffee and looked over at the shorter man, "Well I don't want to impose but if you like I can hang out with you just for a little while. I'll wait until the rain stops a little and then I'll head home."

"No, you're not imposing," He answered, although he really did just want to sit by himself. Maybe he could fake a telephone call if he needed to? He moved deeper into the cafe to find a place to sit, finding a secluded table for two and taking the spot that faced the wall. He set his tea down, picked up the honey dispenser, and poured a small amount into his cup before stirring. "We wouldn't want you to catch a cold, now, would we?"

Jounouchi carefully followed his friend, being careful as he moved around the crowd as he did have a cup of hot coffee...he really didnt want to spill it on anyone...and then finally reached the table. He took the seat opposite from Ryou, he placed his coffee on the surface before taking off his jacket and placing it over the back of his chair. Once again he ran his hand through his hair and pushed it back, luckily since it was a bit long, only a few of his bangs escaped and landed back over his eyes.

Picking up his coffee, the tall blond took a sip and smiled at his friend. "Nah, I dont get sick easily...but I tend to take care of myself as much as I can." he said and then looked over at him, "I'm sorry for not getting you anything for your birthday, I promise next time I can take you to lunch or something." he said quietly as he felt bad since he didn't know about Ryou's birthday.

"It's fine. I didn't expect much." Ryou answered, nodding to Jounouchi. "There's not need to fret about it." He sipped his tea and tore off a piece of his scone, nibbling on the end. Sighing, he noticed that manners would make him offer some of his scone to his friend, so he did. "Would you like a bit of my scone? I certainly don't mind sharing." Lie.

The blond lifted a hand and shook his head, "Nah, thanks though. Not feeling hungry since I just came from home." he smiled at the other and looked outside, seeing that it was still raining but not so much as before. He sighed and looked over the white haired man once more, "No, its alright Ryou really. Its your birthday and I want to give you something." he said. Then an idea hit him, he started to grin and canted his head to the side, "I know..we can stop by the mall and I don't want no as an answer."

Ryou had really been looking forward to going back to his apartment, maybe writing a letter or two, and simply relaxing so the idea of venturing to the mall with perhaps the loudest person she knew wasn't exactly his idea of fun. Taking in a deep breath, he let it out with a sigh. "Really, don't feel as though you have to buy me something. Just the simple wish for a happy birthday is a good enough present.

"Aww come on Ryou, beside its been a long time since I saw you. Its been...what..Over a year now? I was out of the country and it the least I can do." Jounouchi said and he leaned over the table as he gripped his cup. "Please...only for an hour and then you don't have to see me for another year if you want."

Ryou sighed again then gave him a nod. "Yes, of course I'll go with you to the mall. We don't have to put a time limit on it. I didn't mean to sound as though I didn't want to spend time with you." He took a sip of his tea and nodded. "Let's finish our beverages first and then be on our way."

Jou grinned happily at hearing that Ryou will go with him; of course he had to get something nice for his white haired friend, especially after so long of not seeing him. "cool...I promise to be at my best behavior and not embarrass you.." he then took a sip of his coffee and snickered. "Much.."

Ryou could only give him a smile and a nod. "I haven't been to the mall in quite a long time. I do hope that there aren't gaggles of loud girls there still. They tend to give me headaches." As he answered in a calm voice, he tore off a bit of the scone again and popped it in his mouth. Of course he would have rather had a cream puff, but this cafe regretfully did not offer that delicacy.

The blond chuckled softly after drinking half his coffee before responding to the other, "Doubtfull, I can imagine loud girls everywhere...hence why there are schools close by the mall. B.ut...we can always avoid them. Good thing we are not famous, then you really have to worry."

"That's very true. I tend to avoid large crowds if I can, especially ones that have a higher decibel level than a jet plane and a stampede combined." He answered, a faint smile gracing his lips as he swallowed more of his tea and ate the rest of his scone in that one sitting.

Katsuya chuckled a bit more before grinning, he nodded as he ran a hand through his slightly damp hair and making it messier then usual. "Well, I agree with you somewhat. I don't mind the attention but sometimes...it can be a little bit overewhelming." he said. The taller of the two then turn his head slightly and noticed that it stopped raining, "Awesome, it stopped drizzling. We should go whenever you're ready."

"Ah, so it is." Nodding, Ryou stood up and collected his trash; a now empty cup of tea and a small wax paper bag of crumbs. "Then let's head on our way." He moved to throw his trash away in the right bin of either trash or recycling and then stood by the exit, his umbrella in hand. "Shall we go now?"

((This will be continued with thread posts on here for the sake of the players' schedules.))

ryou, jounouchi/ryou, jounouchi

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