Feb 21, 2007 19:44
So I've been trying to get a job for some time now...but how could I get a job when everyday I have to drive an hour north to pick up my sister and back which means its 5 when I get home, then clean, make dinner, do laundry, and then homework. There's just no time. Today I just said fuck it and went out and put my application in places. 4 of the places I went to wouldn't give me applications because I didn't say 'nigga' after everyword and I wasn't black, they were stores like Charlotte Russe for fucks sake. What ever. Claire and Hollister looks hopeful (I detest them, but money is money and it keeps me away from home). I have to go for an interveiw on Friday at 4 at Hollister and the manager at Claires was really nice and said she's starting to call people on Monday and I'm first on her list. God I'm so desperate to get out of my house I'm going to work at Claires....or Hollister...jesus christ. Anyway back to the main point. My grandparents came over for dinner tonight which usually results in disaster. It was hiroshima. I announce I have a job and everyones like "why don't you work for the Government?" I explained my veiws on the Government and it was reasonable, then chaos exploded and I ended up grabbing my glass of wine and boxing myslef in my room. Every time I do something that I want I end up being told what to do, how to do it, where to do it, and when by my parents and grandparents. At frist it was slightly endearing but now they're getting mean about it...
which brings me to another point. I'm going to be moving out and getting an apartment with Patrick so when I go to college I don't have an hour and a half commute. My dad doesn't understand this and wants me to get an apartment in downtown fort lauderdale. Not only will that be expensive as fuck with a long drive to school, but I'll be way to close to home.
I've got so much more to say but I honestly just don't want to even think about it.