Hi!!! *waves enthusiastically*
I miss you guys! It's been so crazy around here that I've barely had time to do anything but read my flist. And even then, I have to skim because I've been trying to not get buried in the details of it. Because if I do, I won't resurface for days. And that's bad news bears.
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Anyway, let's see... my
paperlegends BB is coming along. And when I say "coming along," I mean "SWEETMOTHEROFGOD THE 26TH IS TOO SOON!" Okay, it's not that bad. I keed. I keed. But, I am sort of freaking out about it, all the while I'm finishing it. So, I guess that's good, right? S'long as I've not abandoned it completely, yeah? *nods*
By the way, if you've been living under a rock, posting has started at
paperlegends and... you should be reading and commenting! I, unfortunately, have a list started because I promised myself I wouldn't read anything until I'm finished writing mine and my
pphpficexchange prompt. /o\ Seriously, it's been torture. PURE torture. So, go off and be a better fangirl/boy than me and read, yeah? :)
In other news, I sorta hate
hermette and
eldee right now for dragging me (KICKING AND SCREAMING! *nods*) into freakin' Panic! At the Disco bandom. Except that, you know, I don't hate them at all. *sigh* WHAT IS THIS?! But, seriously, just... I can't... I can't articulate my feelings for Spencer Smith. And I'm not gonna lie... like a week ago I couldn't even remember his name and NOW! *shakes fist at
hermette and
Which leads to my next topic... I want to see them at The Intersection (Grand Rapids) in November. Tickets go on sale like at the end of the week and they're only $25. On top of that, The Intersection isn't that big, so I'm pretty much guaranteed a great "seat." Listen... this needs to happen. But I so don't want to go by myself. Who wants to come with me?! If you have to travel to me to go, I promise to provide you sleeping arrangements at my home! Please, please! :)
Okay, since I should be doing work and/or working on my BB right now, I suppose I'll just leave you with this meme that I snagged from
prplhez8. Play along! :D
Comment on this post and let me know you want to participate. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.
prplhez8 chose these icons of mine:
Well, it means what it says, doesn't it? I'm trying to give a damn... and failing at it. LOL. I don't use it a lot, but I'm pretty sure the reasoning behind it is pretty clear. :P I do, however, try to give a damn about most things. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen.
RUPERT!!!!!! Okay, Rupert is, quite obviously, the love of my life. HE'S MY BOYFRIEND,
carolinmescalin! YOU HEAR ME! I totally made this icon (not one of my best, but since Rupert is so adoraballs, it totally makes up for my lack of graphics skills) and well it's hearts and it's Rupert. It just proves my UNDYING love!
GLEE! Hehehehe. Rachel is a genius. Seriously, she doesn't even annoy me a little when I read this quote. LOL. And dude, it's like how I feel about life. Boys Rupert totally wants to tap this, but I'm just so busy with my other obligations (right?), that it's just so difficult to fit it into my schedule, you know?
*runs off crying at the injustice*
Who doesn't like to fake a British accent?! Dude, I spend HOURS at night practicing mine so it's KILLER! 0_o LOL! But, yeah... I just love all the "Keep Calm and..." icons. They crack me up.
STEVE MCGARRETT! There is no other explanation than, "SWEETMOTHEROFHOTNESSINASEXYPACKAGE!" when it comes to Alex. No, I'm serious. I have nothing else.
It's my booooooooooooys. Arthur and Merlin are just cute, right? And they're so bromancy and cute and I want to cuddle them into eternity. :) This icon is fun to use when I'm trying to be all friendy with people. Because, you know, I'm not like always friendy or something. :P
COLIN MORGAN WHY SO ADORABALLS?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Come on, you know you can't look at this picture of Colin and not smile. The man is gorgeous. GOR-GEOUS! It should be illegal to have those cheekbones and jawline and cute, little dimples. SOMEONE ARREST HIM RIGHT NOW!
Okay, now I'm done being a nutjob for a while. :)