I can and I will and you'll see your hero come running...

Jul 07, 2011 10:54

Soooo, yesterday was National Kissing Day (which is, I'm sure, why LJ was graciously allowing us to give away kisses). I have never, in my entire life, felt as loved as I did yesterday. You guys... you're awesome. Seriously.


In other news, I totally turned in my rough draft for paperlegends... and promptly had a panic attack. LOL. Honestly, though, I've never been so psyched about a fic before, even if I am freaking out because ZOMG! BB'S ARE WRITTEN BY BNF's! *nods & FREAKS OUT*

40698 / 50000 words. 81% done!
No, I do not want to talk about my last meter when I said it would be 38k. -_-

I also do not want to talk about how I haven't even started my fics for reel_merlin or pphpficexchange, so don't ask.


I don't have time right now, but I still have to answer the questions that prplhez8 and sabriel75 gave me on that meme that was going around a while back. I didn't forget about you!

I should probably go work now. *nods*

P.S. Why am I having such crappy cramps today? D: I am not happy about this. NOT happy.

kate flails a lot, kate haz friendz, community: paperlegends, community: reel_merlin, community: pphpficexchange

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