Holy scripture batman! an update. sorry for typos- using the Wii for this and it aint all that easy.

May 13, 2011 10:27

Laughing how this is the only place my Wii has not spazed on. Been a while since I was last on here. Sorry bout that. Hoping to change that soon.
My computer died afew weeks ago snd till i get the money i wont be getting it any time soon. sucks but nothing i can do about it at the moment.
sister had her baby monday. 8 pounds 2 ounce 21inchesm Wynter Lily. Had to keep from lsughing. poor girl has a head of black hair that is curly and does what it wants. had told sister if she came out with red hair i was calling her lily. got an eye roll. lol. family thinks i`m nuts. anyways instead of lily potter Wyn came out as Harry. her eyes are aleeady changing to green. it makes me giggle and i am a utter dork.
OH!!!! I AM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL FOR REALS THIS TIME. HAVE 99% Of registration done. waiting for a few things and then all that is left is to register classes. crossing my fingers tightly.
computer information technology- basicaly the IT department. learning to take apart comps and fix`em. ironically as i was looking into school courses is when my computer crashed on me.
still no job and i am so damn booooored. stuck at home with no ride, no computer and now Jax is with his mom at home. i have jack notning to do!!!!!!! the wii only works for anything without flash cuz the wii only has flash 7 and cant up grade it. anyways cleaned the house yesterday so noting but netflix to keep me sane and there is not much left i want to watch. oh well.
tried spending time outside. neighbor is chopping down over ten trees. my allergies went insane. knocked me out for 3 days. until we get a realy good rain i have to be careful wat i do outside and how long i am out there. my poor yard needs a mow but no way in hell i would survive it. just too dry.
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