I don't know why I feel the need to share this. But I do.
When I first heard that Bill might have a daughter I was like, "no way. Some people are just stupid and like to make up rumors." Then one day my sister had just found a bandom reference community and had spent most of the night looking through it. The next day, she approached me and said that she thought that he really did. I was like, "Seriously?" Then she went on to tell me that her name was Genevieve (and not jsut anyone comes up with a name like that), and that Christine's church has published something about the birth of a daughter, and myabe some other stuff. But I remember looking it up for myself and reading pages and pages on different websites of why people believed she was real. And after a while, we decided that there was just too much information for her not to be real. I mean, who seriously drags out something that's just a rumor that much? No one. Then, listen to the lyrics on SANTI. Everyone of them says something about "hey, I'm going to be a father and I really don't want this." The break down, the break during Sleeping With Giants Tour, the clandestine baby clothes around the time of her birth, it all fit together. I believed she was real. I then started looking for clues everywhere to believe she was real. The best being "in bliss with gdb" of course. I started asking everyone "Do you believe in Genevieve?" Most of the time getting the answer
'no.' I fought with people, showed them evidence, everything I could. I made some people believe she was real, others just told me I was wrong so much that I quit talking to them.
I first found out that he had said something about her when I checked out his blog on September 20th. When he mentioned something about AP and telling about his family, I set off to find this article. I went first to TAI's livejournal community. It was there and before I even got halfway through the article, I started crying. I was so happy for him. Honestly, I never thought that he would tell about her. So when I got to the part where it started talking about his two year old daughter, I was so happy. I love that he finally felt comfortable enough to tell us fans about her. Honestly, I just wanted him to be happy, and with hiding her from us, I didn't feel that he could be. But now that he talks about her (though discreetly) I feel proud of him. I've gotten to the point where he could leave the band so he could always be with her and while I'd be heartbroken, I'd be happy that he was happy. I'm that fan. The one who just wants him to be happy.
I know that none of you needed to know this, but I really felt the need to post it, so get over it. It's my journal. I can do what I want.
But also, the question that hesmagicandmyth and I were discussing the other day: does the fact that he's been hiding her mean that she's never seen him perform? Like, I'm sure she's seen him around the house playing his guitar, but has she seen the wild entergetic William on stage?
Just a thought I needed to get out. Thanks.