Title: Taste The Rainbow
Paring: Pete/Patrick
Rating: PG
Summary: Pete wants to taste the rainbow.
Word Count: 1616
Disclaimer: So not mine and this is just a work of fiction
A/N: Written for a prompt over at
anon_lovefest I love that community, it's crazy fun. Also this is, like, fluffy really, really fluffy. IDEK /o\
“Patrick, Patrick. I can’t taste it,” Pete whispers. )
You write so well, and you make it seem so real. I know this is supposed to be fiction, but I'd be willing to bet this happened at some point. XD
Awesome job, and thank you for fueling my slashy little fire. :) ♥
And I think i'm falling in love with your icon because it's PATRICK and he's blowing me kisses, repeatedly *dies*
Awesome job, and thank you for fueling my slashy little fire. :) ♥
My absolute pleasure and ♥'s back at ya!
And ... KISSY PATRICK. I love that icon so much! XD Feel free to use it if you like. It was made by aiken_4graphics :D
Aaaand KISSY PATRICK icon is made of win and rainbows of course :D I am so using that icon it is awesome. Thanks!
You've inspired me to write more PXP since I haven't written them in a while. :)
*slithers off to her secret fanfic lair* ;)
And, also, yay! \o/ for inspiring you to write more PxP. I would love to read the finished product when your done. Good luck! *hughugkisskiss*
Warning: None of those are terribly new, so a) I'm sure there are mistakes in them and b) eh ... the writing might suck. But! I like to think I'm improving so hopefully I'll have new stuff up soon. :D ♥
And YES!! It's ALWAYS the fics that I'm sort of feeling "eh?" about that I end up liking the most, or am most proud of. XD XD
And don't worry I make a bunch of mistakes too >_< and as far as improving on writing, I think the only solution is to write MORE! \o/
Okay well, good luck and if you get stuck, seriously, go to anon_lovefest the prompts there are awesome and maybe you'll find something that will inspire you :)
I for one am addicted to that site and I'm actually thinking about writing another fic for a prompt there but I also have some other things I'm working on. So it's that whole, the ones you don't plan to write,you like the best, thing because I'm not palnning on writing a story for that prompt but I can't get the ideas out of my head, so I'll probably end up writing it /o\
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