And now, for no special reason at all other than it’s my journal and no one can stop my awesome might here, an extended lyrical reference!...
Okay, honestly, I think the entire chorus is important to me and echoed my thoughts on so many nights and days, it deserves an entire quote.
”Well I guess I'm trying to be
Nonchalant about it
And I'm going to extremes to prove
I'm fine without you
But in reality I'm slowly losing my mind
Underneath a disguise of a smile
Gradually I'm dying inside
Friends ask me how I feel
And I lie convincingly
Cause I don't want to reveal
The fact that I'm suffering
So I wear my disguise
Till I go home at night
And turn down all the lights
And then I break down and cry”
-Mariah Carey, Breakdown
It’s been another couple of days, and while I don’t think I’ll be going on any long tangents this time I do have some kind of in my mind, but I want to hold out until I get all my thoughts organized about the topics.
First, the last couple days have just been okay. Nothing great, but nothing bad either. Work and home life are pretty simplistic as of now, which is a good thing I suppose. I have managed to get further in the 3rd DragonLance book. Looks like things are twisting and turning plot wise and I like not know where the heck something is going. And I’ve yet to read a character I didn’t like. Yay!
Talked to Bryan 2 nights ago. Got permission to post his poem that I mentioned a couple entries ago. Seriously, I think it’s a great poem. A friend of his (roommate?) commented it read like a couple poems, so Bryan Is still looking at it, thinking about what to do with it. He doesn’t feel it’s finished. I can appreciate that since I feel the same about a lot of things I write too. But here’s for your viewing pleasure! And before you ask, yes, the formatting of those 2 lines that stick out is intentional.
Love the Liar
Love is a lie to those who don't know it,
Love gave me hope,
Love gave me wings,
Love gave me life,
Love gave me despair,
Love gave me ineptitude,
Love gave me death,
but Love has lied to me.
I don't know what there is to say
that won't break my heart each day
I see you, I want you, I love you.
It doesn't matter though.
Unrequited love is reality.
Reality is life.
There is no rescue, only a miracle.
But who knows how to work a miracle of love.
Cupid, oh Cupid, cast down your arrow into my love's heart.
Strike it deep for me, strike it deep for all,
Let love's pain pierce her heart like it's pierced mine.
Let the fire of passion sear the tender flesh of her heart
Let consuming desire drive her to madness, the madness of being apart.
What is there to say but what's already been said?
Love is impossible.
Why even try when all you do is fail?
Is failure the end of love?
To what other end could it possibly exist for?
Love is the ideal that all grasp for
the beautiful, the ugly, the rich & the poor.
They can never reach it on their own.
It's impossible to have love,
Beat Justice League: Heroes on hard mode. Starting now on Superhero. I can’t believe a nearly maxed out Superman struggles so much with those generic first level NPCs! And what really stinks is the XP hasn’t changed from Easy to Superhero. Kinda stinks. Still, the game is fun. That’s what counts.
Had a weird dream a few nights ago. While story aspect of it was weird and I don’t know where it was going, I know the genre it chose to take place in was all thanks to my good friend, Tara.
That’s right, it’s Tara’s fault my dream took on a Power Rangers theme!
However, what version of the Power Rangers is completely lost on my because it wasn’t any of them that’s been on TV. None from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Power Rangers: Mystic Force. The lady though was cute…wish I knew where she was from and what her phone number was…
The weirder part is that I was on the villains side. We were losing, but there was this deep friendship between us. And I had come up with this great plan all the while we were losing (albeit slowly) a current battle with the Rangers (which was freakily being played out by Star Wars: Empire At War (from the graphics, and SW characters, etc). I did see some Zords go boom, which was cool.
I don’t think there was any significant meaning to the dream. Just Tara enjoys talking to me about it, and since I enjoy PR myself, it stuck with me. I think it was my mind making a memory dump *laughs*.
I talked to my son’s teacher today on the phone. We discussed his current progress in school (he’s exactly where any kindergartener should be, which is great since he didn’t go to Pre-K). We also discussed his behavior. He’s pretty okay in class, and I made sure to ask if it’s just him who gets in trouble (the few times he does) or the other kid who often prompts it as well. Glad to hear it’s not just Bryan.
Overall, it went smoothly and I feel better about some things having talked to her.
Not looking forward to working this weekend. It’s the Water Foul Festival. The yearly celebration of those magnificent…common geese *sigh*. Yes, an entire celebration, large enough to bring in out of towners and staters, dedicated to animals not remotely in danger, near extinct or extinct. It’s all in celebration of the glories kill in which a person with a gun can take down…a Goose!
I tell you, makes looking for a cure for Cancer seem so petty by comparison…(okay, that ends my sarcasm).
But yeah, I don’t want to work it cause town will be congested, people are jerks during this time, and part of it will be held in our shopping center’s parking lot.
Oh. The. Joy.
I suppose that’s it for now. I was gonna do the TV meme on Alecto’s LJ, but uh, after hitting the Cs, I found I watch way too much TV to be healthy, so I decided not to.