Valentine's 2008

Dec 17, 2007 12:19

Welcome to cardcaptorgifts!

This is a community for the writing of gift fic in the Cardcaptor Sakura fandom. Welcome to this event, the Valentine's Day fic exchange.

For this exchange, all requests/fics must be romantic! You may provide a pairing or list of acceptable pairings in the prompt section.

Sign-ups begin December 17, 2007 and last until January 17, 2008. At that time all fic requests will be collected and assigned. Valentine's Day gift fic should be posted on the site by February 21, 2008. For formatting information, please see the profile.

To sign up for the VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT FIC EXCHANGE, please reply to this post in the following format. All comments will be screened, so that the fics will be a surprise as they are posted.

For this exchange, since it is Valentine's-focused, please leave TWO pairings that you would like to see, and you should receive one or the other. If there is a pairing you prefer not to write, please make sure you mention this in the "absolutely will not write" section. If you don't mention that you won't write a pairing, then I will assume that you can try, and may pair you up with someone who doesn't request the same pairings you request.

I will not read fics of rating:
I absolutely will not write:
I absolutely will not read:
anything else:

The two "I absolutely" are writer/reader squick. If you squick yaoi and your gift fic is yaoi, you're going to be disappointed, aren't you? To avoid this, please pay attention to your reader's squicks, and they will in turn pay attention to your writer's squicks. If you have no squicks or would like to request smut, that's fine, but make sure upon posting that these things are clearly marked.

As for the prompt, it can be anything-- very detailed or two words. You can give a time of year, a character/pairing you want included, a rating, a quotation, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Make sure you write exactly what you want, because corrections will not be made after the original comment is posted.

Remember, sign-ups end January 1.

IF YOU MUST DROP YOUR EXCHANGE, *please please please* comment here at least two weeks in advance. That should be enough time for you to realize that this fic is not getting completed. The mod will step in to write your fic, or a volunteer will be taken. Please do not join the exchange if you know you won't have time to complete your fic; that hurts everyone.
penalty for dropping

Any questions? Shoot them to the FAQ page or see the profile. To sign up for a different gift fic occasion, please visit their respective posts, links in the profile.

old signups

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