John gave me the most amazing Christmas ever!
We bought each other presents about a month ago because we had specific things we wanted and we are practical people. I got the purse I've been wanting and he got the boots he has been wanting.
We decided that we were going to make stocking for each other and then stuff them with a $10 budget.
Well we both went over but he went waaay over!
My loot:
A Personalized SIGNED copy of Annie Leibovitz new process book "At Work".
He got to the talk she was doing up here an hour and a half early and 3 1/2 hours later he had a book for me. I just wish I could of heard her speak about hanging around with Hunter S. Thompson and all the back stories to some of her most famous photos (I was in Florida when this happened a couple of weeks ago).
Lavender Apple Scrub from Sabon- this stuff is amazing!
The principles of Uncertainty
A couple of rolls of film for my medium format camera. And a staple-less stapler which I have been using on EVERYTHING!
I told John's family all I wanted was money donated to a charity and so they gave money to a charity so that a family could have two chickens to raise for eggs. Hurray for Chickens! I also got a wine journal with label removers!
They also gave me something very unexpected- The most beautiful lace and silk blouse that was John's Mom's Grandmother's. I totally cried when I read the card and realized what it was.
I have never seen such beautiful lace detail!
We had a great Christmas- continuing our tradition of going to the Aquarium on Christmas day followed by taking pictures on Coney Island when it's at it's creepiest- the dead of winter.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday!