In which tragedy and bliss take turns to strike, Lydia grows up, and gorging oneself on junk food is proven the conclusive remedy to all the world's torments.
When we left off last time, Bridget discovered once again that she was pregnant.
Somehow she doesn't seem too happy about it. In the background, Lydia is being ignored as usual.
Bridget is promoted at work, but instead of celebrating, she passes out on the lawn.
And in her dinner, causing Stephen some concern. He's a sweetheart.
Ever the attentive husband, Stephen orders some Chinese food for Bridget to scarf down when she wakes up from her nap.
Later she starts making odd faces, leading me to believe she's going into labor...
... but no, she's just having a hissy fit about the water on the floor.
Or, you know, you could just clean it up.
That's the spirit.
After that impressive display of physical exertion, Bridget is starving...
... so much so, in fact, that she turns up the flame a tad too high and sets the house on fire. Nice going, Bridget.
Crisis averted. By now Bridget is so damn hungry that she eats the burnt, crusty, probably carcinogenic food. That can't be good for the baby.
Of course, now that her hygiene is depleted from the fire... see where I'm going with this? I swear, this entire update is me working like a madwoman to keep Bridget from dying of starvation, sleep deprivation, or... bad hygiene, I guess.
Er, that doesn't look good.
And neither does this. Bridget has a miscarriage a few sim hours before she was meant to deliver. I cry tears of frustration.
She looks heartbroken. It's so sad.
Stephen is fired from his new job after a bad chance card.
He takes a hint from Bridget and drowns his sorrows in, er, bagels and cream cheese.
Sometime during this, Lydia grew up. She's a cutie, but that hairstyle does nothing for her features.
Again, Stephen takes on most of the parenting responsibilities...
... though even Bridget finds the bathroom a great place to make friends.
Lucinda still finds time to come over and stare creepily at the Ashmores like the jealous freak she is.
One night she runs in, smacks Bridget around a bit for no apparent reason, and runs out again.
"I don't care if she's your friend, Stephen -- I hate that woman!"
Enough time has passed since Bridget's miscarriage that she and Stephen decide to try to have a second child.
To be safe, Bridget stops working for the entire duration of her pregnancy. Like when she was pregnant with Lydia, she spends most of her time painting.
Lydia has another birthday. She's adorable.
I'm not so sure about that face, though.
As usual, Bridget is a wonderful mom.
STEPHEN: Honey, do you really think our daughter should be eating that?
Like parents, like child. I've raised a family of nerds.
And to end this update on a happier note, baby Natalie was born with no complications. She has her father's eyes and complexion, and I think she has her mother's brown hair, though it's difficult to tell.
This is actually where I am in the game right now, so even I don't know what happens next. :-)