Quack! aka Not The Camp Sparkle Recap

Mar 26, 2007 10:57

Oops, where did the week go to? I've missed a lot of LJ last week and I'm not sure I'll be able to stitch my Camp Sparkle recap together at all. Let's just say I had tons of fun and I'm completely in love with the popslash fandom right now. All the boys, the footage and the wonderful sparkly people I met! My love was just a bit dampened this week by the fact that I had to run around like a headless chicken and then I got the plague again. (Oh all right, it was just a cold, but whatever. I look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer right now but at least my head no longer feels like it's full of damp, moldy wool.) By the way, did anyone else (of the non-English-speaking contingent) have trouble with randomly starting conversations in English last week? Tuesday and Wednesday were full of people staring at me oddly when I kept speaking English and trying to pay with pounds at the grocery store. :D

What has happened is that I've drunk a lot of tea from my shiny new red Chris mug, (Thank you pensnest, I'm giving it a good home!) and worked on feeling slightly less brain dead. Things that have brought me much joy are everyone's recaps, The Story and the excellent footage posted by the excellent nopseud. (It's the uncut interview footage filmed for ITV's An Hour With Nsync. It's a thing of beauty, I tell you. The boys are cute and tired as hell and Chris makes me fall in love with him all over again.)

Also, I love the fact that for the last year and a half my computer's admin account has been the dominion of a yellow toy duck called Kvaak (=Quack in Finnish). I swear, I only realised it when I got home and turned on my computer! There he was, staring at me on the screen. So, Pecker has apparently been practicing the world domination gig by ruling my computer. ;-) If you haven't read The Story we perpetrated, please do so and the go vote for your favourite bit. It's surprisingly hard, people. How DO you choose between Pecker, assbabies, candles and zombies?

By the way, we watched Roadkill at Camp Sparkle and seyaharris showed us some pretty good SPN vids before the masses descended on us from the kitchen. Was this the If I Were Gay one or are there other versions around? Also, I'm taking this moment to beg for links to other good Supernatural vids. (Or fic! Okay, now I'm just being greedy. But yeah, vid recs anyone?)

Things I mentioned during the weekend that other people hadn't heard about:

Helsinki Complaints Choir (youtube) I really thought everybody had seen and loved this, but apparently not. I've also got the audio file somewhere if anyone wants me to upload it for them. The ring tone bit is brilliant!
Giddy Up by mamoru22 A cracktastic Supernatural vid wherein Sam and Dean giddy up to Nsync. It loses a bit of steam in the middle but the "Thinkin' to myself something ain't right" bit cracks me up every single time I watch it.

Hmm, what have I forgotten? Well, a lot probably but it'll come to me later.

vids, camp sparkle, supernatural, links, popslash

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