you know you've read too much kink when ...

Feb 20, 2007 12:07

You know you've read too much kink when every time someone asks for "X as Daddy" stories in poprecs_request your mind immediately goes to a dirty place. ;) But then it turns out people aren't kinky, they're domestic (and prone to random capitalization) and I end up feeling like a perv...

Also, why is it that every time I stray into reading buffyverse fic it's always precisely as kinky as it seems? (No fake "Daddies" there, NO surprise kidfic.) Is it just me or did that fandom produce a lot of porn? Not that I mind, no, it's just a little disorienting at times. No matter where I start, no matter how gen-ish or vanilla the summary sounds, it always ends in whips 'n chains or angst - usually both. Vampires are a kinky and depressing lot. Oz is a lot more soothing. I like Oz. *g*

(I take this moment to express my deep and abiding horror at the word "Childe". I know it's part of the fandom vocabulary and fun for some people, but no. Not for me. Ick.)

fandom has warped my mind

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