Title: Five times Joffrey died in the Night's Watch (and one time he didn't) Fandom: Game of Thrones Characters/Pairing(s): Joffrey Rating: PG Warnings: eh, it's been two years. there shouldn't be any Word Count: 673
"I don't belong here! I'm the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms!" yelled Joffrey in the middle of the courtyard when he arrived at Castle Black. "I will not live here in this disgusting place!." He eyed the raggedly crowd around him, "or live with these disgusting animals! This place is filth! I demand to see my grandfather, Lord Tywin of House Lannister!"
"You're here, Lord Lannister..."
"King Joffrey BARATHEON!"
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont ignored him, "Lord Lannister," he repeated, "to atone for your sins. As a bastard, you have no claim to the Iron Throne and King Aegon Targaryen gave you the choice of death for your crimes, or take the Black. You chose to take the Black."
"I was tricked! I never - " Suddenly, a sword shoved through Joffrey's chest. The boy's eyes lit in surprise, then died out as his body slumped to the floor, revealing Benjen Stark holding the blade that killed him.
"Thank you," Mormont told him.
"You're welcome," Stark responded.
Ygritte kicked the blond haired body laying in the snow, frozen stiff from the cold. Either the boy had been abandoned by the other crows, or he had just gotten lost and never found. Tormund merely stared at the boy in annoyance. Turning to the King Beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder, he commented, "If all the crows are as piss poor pathetic as that one, we should be able to take the Wall in an hour."
He was hiding behind the barrels on the side of the courtyard, as the Wildings raged war with his fellow Night's Watch brothers around him. A warm liquid seeped through his pants and puddled on the ground around him as his fear was so high he could no longer even control his bladder. Joffrey's heart raced so fast, the stress overwhelmed all his senses. When the Wildlings' arrows finally found him, he'd already passed out.
"Absolutely not!" Joffrey scoffed at the new Lord Commander. "I will not be sent to some abandoned shithole of a Watch Tower to freeze to death just because the traitors here stupidly decided you should be in charge instead of me!"
The men in the hall were silent as Alliser Thorne regarded the spoiled brat. "So you are refusing my orders?"
"You bet your peasant ass I am!" retorted said spoiled brat.
Thorne looked over to Janos Slynt. Slynt nodded. Thorne turned back to the hall. "Take him outside boys. Edd, get my sword."
Joffrey fell to his knees, weak from the attack. After a dozen stab wounds, he could feel the life seeping out of his body. The men around him parted, and to Joffrey's surprise, Ollie walked through. He looked up into Ollie's eyes, desperate to find some measure of compassion. Only pure hatred radiated back. "For the Watch," the boy told him coldly, thrusting the final blade into Joffrey's heart.
~And the time he didn't~
"Did he even make it to Winterfell?"
"No, Lord Stark," replied Yoren. "Tywin tried to take him from us at Harrenhall. Joffrey died in the crossfire." The Wandering Crow rolled his eyes. "Stupid twat ran across an open battlefield trying to reach his grandfather. Ended up getting killed by his own army."
"And you did nothing to help?"
"It was 300 Lannisters to our 20, my Lord. We let him run and then left to save ourselves. No one wanted to die for that bastard."
Ned sighed. "So the Lannisters want war too. I'll add them to the Baratheons, and Jon's remaining family overseas. I loved Robert like a brother, but his rule was nothing short of disaster."
"Don't forget the rumors of the King Beyond the Wall," Yoren added. "The true King has a lot of work to do. He's lucky he has the support of the North and House Stark. I'm sure he'll win over his aunt overseas as well, and if the stories of her having dragons is true...."
Ned agreed. "The Targaryens will bring peace to the Kingdoms once again."
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Characters/Pairing(s): Joffrey
Rating: PG
Warnings: eh, it's been two years. there shouldn't be any
Word Count: 673
"I don't belong here! I'm the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms!" yelled Joffrey in the middle of the courtyard when he arrived at Castle Black. "I will not live here in this disgusting place!." He eyed the raggedly crowd around him, "or live with these disgusting animals! This place is filth! I demand to see my grandfather, Lord Tywin of House Lannister!"
"You're here, Lord Lannister..."
"King Joffrey BARATHEON!"
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont ignored him, "Lord Lannister," he repeated, "to atone for your sins. As a bastard, you have no claim to the Iron Throne and King Aegon Targaryen gave you the choice of death for your crimes, or take the Black. You chose to take the Black."
"I was tricked! I never - " Suddenly, a sword shoved through Joffrey's chest. The boy's eyes lit in surprise, then died out as his body slumped to the floor, revealing Benjen Stark holding the blade that killed him.
"Thank you," Mormont told him.
"You're welcome," Stark responded.
Ygritte kicked the blond haired body laying in the snow, frozen stiff from the cold. Either the boy had been abandoned by the other crows, or he had just gotten lost and never found. Tormund merely stared at the boy in annoyance. Turning to the King Beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder, he commented, "If all the crows are as piss poor pathetic as that one, we should be able to take the Wall in an hour."
He was hiding behind the barrels on the side of the courtyard, as the Wildings raged war with his fellow Night's Watch brothers around him. A warm liquid seeped through his pants and puddled on the ground around him as his fear was so high he could no longer even control his bladder. Joffrey's heart raced so fast, the stress overwhelmed all his senses. When the Wildlings' arrows finally found him, he'd already passed out.
"Absolutely not!" Joffrey scoffed at the new Lord Commander. "I will not be sent to some abandoned shithole of a Watch Tower to freeze to death just because the traitors here stupidly decided you should be in charge instead of me!"
The men in the hall were silent as Alliser Thorne regarded the spoiled brat. "So you are refusing my orders?"
"You bet your peasant ass I am!" retorted said spoiled brat.
Thorne looked over to Janos Slynt. Slynt nodded. Thorne turned back to the hall. "Take him outside boys. Edd, get my sword."
Joffrey fell to his knees, weak from the attack. After a dozen stab wounds, he could feel the life seeping out of his body. The men around him parted, and to Joffrey's surprise, Ollie walked through. He looked up into Ollie's eyes, desperate to find some measure of compassion. Only pure hatred radiated back. "For the Watch," the boy told him coldly, thrusting the final blade into Joffrey's heart.
~And the time he didn't~
"Did he even make it to Winterfell?"
"No, Lord Stark," replied Yoren. "Tywin tried to take him from us at Harrenhall. Joffrey died in the crossfire." The Wandering Crow rolled his eyes. "Stupid twat ran across an open battlefield trying to reach his grandfather. Ended up getting killed by his own army."
"And you did nothing to help?"
"It was 300 Lannisters to our 20, my Lord. We let him run and then left to save ourselves. No one wanted to die for that bastard."
Ned sighed. "So the Lannisters want war too. I'll add them to the Baratheons, and Jon's remaining family overseas. I loved Robert like a brother, but his rule was nothing short of disaster."
"Don't forget the rumors of the King Beyond the Wall," Yoren added. "The true King has a lot of work to do. He's lucky he has the support of the North and House Stark. I'm sure he'll win over his aunt overseas as well, and if the stories of her having dragons is true...."
Ned agreed. "The Targaryens will bring peace to the Kingdoms once again."
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