Challenge #07: Ship It

Apr 12, 2016 21:55

Challenge #07: Ship It

Description: Write fic or meta focusing on a relationship between two characters. It doesn't have to be a romantic relationship; you can also write about a friendship, professional relationship, antagonistic relationships, etc. You can write about why you find the relationship interesting, what else you wish they'd done with ( Read more... )


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ellipsisms April 17 2016, 15:22:05 UTC
Title: n/a
Fandom: original
Characters: julia and jordan carr
Pairings: n/a (siblings)
Warnings: n/a
Word Count: 268

Julia and Jordan are the ultimate sibling duo. Although I don’t often write siblings, they are an exception just because they’re so different and yet they ground each other in ways that no one else could do. Jordan is the Gryffindor in the relationship - he charges ahead and is protective of the people whom he loves. Julia is a Gryffindor secondary, but she uses her Ravenclaw primary in order to temper her brother’s brash nature and stop him from running off to get killed every other second. She loves facts and getting all the information available before acting, and she’s much more skeptical about others. She stops Jordan from trusting blindly and getting in trouble because of it.

Although Julia watches out for Jordan, in truth, she owes her life to her older brother. When they were seven, their parents were killed, and rather than letting his sister go into foster care, Jordan ran away with her and they lived on the streets. It didn’t mean that Jordan let Julia’s education lapse, though; he made sure she got to school and did her homework, and when he got lucky and started his own tech company due to his proficiency with machines, he paid for her undergraduate and graduate degrees without batting an eyelid.

These days, Julia is a lawyer thanks to Jordan, but she hasn’t forgotten her roots. She’ll often advice him on matters relating to his company and point out to him the best paths to take, and to his credit, Jordan does listen (most of the time). Now, if only he would listen to her about how much she hates his new girlfriend.


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