CHALLENGE #29: A Conventional Approach

May 05, 2015 11:12

CHALLENGE #29: A Conventional Approach

Description Write one or more fics using one or more of the following tropes ( Read more... )


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clarahow May 7 2015, 06:04:33 UTC
Title: A Conventional Approach
Trope(s): all - 10 semi-separate drabbles
Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. / MCU
Pairings: multiple - mainly Skye/Ward and Coulson/May, check the tags for the others.
Warnings: LOTS of spoilers. Almost all of the plotlines are based on the last couple of episodes. References to some sensitive topics, and very non-character-bashing. Including a certain character that fandom either loves to love or loves to hate and is vocal either way. I maintain that redemption is ultimately possible.
Word Count: 1.004 (so says said precisely 100 for all of them though *shifty eyes*)
Author Notes: I developed a bit of a storyline with a couple of these, and I'm going to be using another meme for chapter themes and making a masterlist later on my journal, if anyone likes any of these enough to be interested. The link above is for the entire fic all on one page - the chapters are listed and linked below just in case anyone only wants to read a couple. Or none, that's cool too, I'm obviously not forcing anyone to read my stuff, that'd be rude. But a fanficcer can hope <3

Chapter 1: Amnesia
Kara might not remember knowing Bobbi, but Bobbi remembers knowing Kara.

Chapter 2: Apocalypse
It's not like Grant has any other way to deal.

Chapter 3: Body Swap
Whatever experimentation Lincoln and Mike could have thought to expect when they were captured, it was definitely not this.

Chapter 4: Deal with the Devil
Grant makes a tough call.

Chapter 5: Forced Proximity
Skye and Ward take a wrong turn while infiltrating a HYDRA base.

Chapter 6: Road Trip
Fitzskimmons takes a road trip.

Chapter 7: Time Travel
SHIELD gets a very unexpected visitor.

Chapter 8: Truth Serum / In Vino Veritas
SHIELD and their unexpected visitor: part two.
3 hours later.

Chapter 9: Undercover (as a) Couple
You know what.

Chapter 10: Wing!fic
The plot thickens...
Also I took this prompt really loosely but I'm totally into this storyline now and since it relates to current AOS events and I couldn't find a way to bring Sam Wilson in...this happened.

Edit: missed one of the links. All better now!


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