Results for Challenge #18: Five by Five

Apr 29, 2015 00:16

Here are the results for Five by Five.

original post | spreadsheet

Clubs: 350
Diamonds: 175
Hearts: 105
Spades: 105

Congratulations, Teams Clubs!

Please check the spreadsheet to make sure I didn't miss you.

I want to give special recognition to catko, who wrote a fic that used all twenty-five words in order. I'm so impressed!

Great work, everyone!

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Comments 3

catko April 29 2015, 05:32:29 UTC
Thanks, it was fun!


everythingshiny April 29 2015, 06:10:42 UTC
got them!


dance_thrulife April 29 2015, 13:08:15 UTC
Woohoo! Way to Go Clubs!


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