Challenge 09: Two Character Meme

Nov 27, 2017 04:58

Challenge 09: Two Character Meme

1) Leave a comment with a list of 5-10 FANDOMS.
2) Give others two characters from their chosen fandoms + a question from the list below.
3) Answer the questions you receive.

• Who would win in a fight?
• Who would be a better roommate?
• Who would make a better boyfriend/girlfriend?
• Who would you elect as president?
• Whose shoulder would you rather cry on?
• Who would make a better parent?
• Who would be your best friend?
• Who is the better cook?
• Who would age gracefully?

Points 41 total possible.
+10 points for your original comment (please reply to at least 5 questions!)
+2 points per question to others (up to 10=20 points).
+10 points for including something to creatively illustrate at least one of your answers (with a drabble, art, gif, graphic, picspam, photo caption, anything creative at all!)
+1 for sigtag.
Due Date December 12 at Midnight.
Submitting Please leave links to your thread, your comment, and your creative illustration in the submit thread in order to receive points for them! If you have any questions, please use the question thread below

meme, challenge

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