Mar 31, 2010 16:12
So, looks like I'm walking in the graduation ceremony.
I've put my papers in for the PhD Hooding Ceremony and will be walking in the Graduation Ceremony on May 14th. I'm even renting the ultimate cosplay costume! Cap and Gown time.
I am by no means done. Far from it, I don't plan on being DONE until June or July, but I get to walk in the May ceremony. Apparently I can rent the gown as of April 28. This means one thing....PHOTOSHOOT! I only do this on average once every 4-8 years, but this one should be my last so I want some good pictures. Anybody want to try out their ability to make bright red look good on a Chinese guy?
I'm in the process of writing like 5 papers (not including the actual dissertation) which will all contribute to the "Darryl should be formally recognized as an expert in this random little subsection of knowledge" degree. Well, wish me luck and you are all invited to the May 14th ceremony if you are bored. It's Friday, 2:30pm at the Galen Center (that's that giant basketball arena on Figueroa that isn't the LA Sports Center or Staples). Big party when I actually Defend my dissertation, but this even is more for the formality and photo-ops.