Mar 06, 2005 13:49
So on Friday it was my birthday and it sort of just came and went. Shannon came over and we went out to dinner with my mom/dad and sister. I hate going out to dinner in places that are fancy and don't have anything normal to eat or take too long. We just went to this hibachi restaurant and in the end it was fun. I sort of wished we didn't go out to dinner so I could have done something for my birthday. Something fun, something other then going out to dinner. Oh well. Then Shannon slept over.
Saturday my mom/dad Shannon and I went to Connecticut to see my brother Ryan at college play lacrosse. Hartford lost, oh well. Then we went out to dinner at this pizza place and the food sucked I thought. Out to dinner was really fun and it was a chance for all of us to just talk. I know my mom misses my brother alot when he is at college and she was really happy out to dinner, she loves my brother alot. I missed my brother a little bit too. Out to dinner was really nice. -- We got back to the hotel and Shannon and I took a lot of pictures of ourselves doing retarted things and then we tried to make coffee and it didn't go so good and it was funny. Then stuff, stuff,stuff, and we came home.
Alot of weird shit has happened lately. First of all my grandma a couple days ago got into a car accident or something and she totaled (sp?) her car. She is okay though so that is really good. When my mom first told me I got kind of upset so I'm glad she's fine. Also last night Mara (my sister) called and she was home and said the carbon dioxide alarms were going off and that there was too much? or something inside the house which was why it was going off. So we had to call these people to go to our house and check it out and blahh. I have alot of shit on my mind and I really don't have anyone to talk too. I know I can always talk to one of my friends or something its just I feel like I can't talk to people about stuff. I try to be as optimistic as I can sometimes though things just get in the way. I don't know. Cool cool cool.
This weekend lets do something crazy and fun. YEAH! Anyone? YEAH YEAH YEAH! Okay.
PS: Shannon, "'s getting annoying." dude. I love it.