From the dropoff in comments on my last update, it looks as if many of you have lost interest in my latest fairytale!Chlark fic. *Tragic sigh*
Which of course means that I appreciate those who DID comment even more. *Smishes my wonderful commenters*
I definitely intend to finish this fic, most of all for
butifulyletdown, to whom this fic is dedicated, and
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"From the dropoff in comments on my last update..."
That's why I like posting on K-site and at least there's a count of the number of folks that have read your stories in addition to the nice feedback. I've only posted two on LJ... one had four commentors; two of whom loyally followed every chapter with most encouraging feedback; and my second story didn't get a single comment on LJ (I was depressed)... (If there's a read count on LJ, I sure haven't figured out how to use it. I'm a slow learner--several things on LJ very easily confuse my over-worked brain!)
Okay, my pity-party is over!
I don't check LJ every day, so I missed when you posted chapter two until I went looking to see if you'd posted & then I remembered to track/flag (I clicked on everything) so that I'd get an email when you continued & it worked! Because I was so looking forward to reading more of this enchanting and sexy tale, er, make that VERY VERY sexy!!!
And you can't imagine how my poor, starved die-hard CHLARK heart was aching for a story about them. (Even my muse is hiding somewhere in search of inspiration!)
So, I am so happy you are continuing this story & please don't tell BabyDee, but she's gotten me hooked on cliffhangers, and you left a superb one at the end of this chapter... I'll be checking my emails twice a day hoping for chapter four to appear quickly.
Have I mentioned how I love your excellent attention to every detail; your descriptions are awesome: I could almost taste the olives so much that I thought, "Yuch, I hate olives!" and the sweetness of the honey on the baklava! Oh, it's been years since I've tasted that; your descriptions had my tastebuds remembering it instantly.
I also like how Chloe misses very little of all the details of her surroundings even as she is totally distracted/focused on the heavenly activities she and Sultan Kal-El are engaged in.
And the ending... so interesting! Makes me want to ask all sorts of questions, like, how many others has Jor-El whooshed away into the FOS? Must have happened that someone disappeared before, the way the servants were avoiding the table; or was that just because of the glowing? Or is it just Chloe? Will Kal-El know where's she's disappeared to? Or will he think she's left him? How freaked out will Chloe be?
So, is chapter four up yet...???
I know what you're saying about ksite and ffnet. They do show the number of views, which is great. I don't go to ksite anymore b/c it's depressing, to me, to see that it's become pretty much a Clois site, but once this is done I may post it on ffnet.
I've only posted two on LJ... one had four commentors; two of whom loyally followed every chapter with most encouraging feedback; and my second story didn't get a single comment on LJ (I was depressed)
OMG, I'm so sorry! To be honest, I haven't followed much Chlark fic in the past year or so, apart from Dawn and Dee's, and I have a feeling a lot of other Chlark fans on LJ may have given up reading fic, too. I remember being depressed last year when I posted "Gods and Butterflies" to ffnet and saw that it was the sole Chlark submission that day, lost amid a flood of Clois fic.
As I said in my post for the first chapter, I never would have written this if it hadn't been for Butifulyletdown, but I'm glad I did, b/c Chlark is such a wonderful 'ship. To me, it's timeless. I've always found it amazing how easily Chlark fits into so many fairytales, and I think that's b/c it draws from the classic themes from which those tales were drawn. Cinderella and her prince? Check. Cupid and his Psyche? Check. The Sultan and Scheherezade? Check. I think the fact that you and I and so many other authors are still writing Chlark is proof that Chlark touches all of us very deeply. :)
...please don't tell BabyDee, but she's gotten me hooked on cliffhangers, and you left a superb one at the end of this chapter.
My lips are sealed! Shhhh, don't encourage her. *Looks sidewise cautiously*
Have I mentioned how I love your excellent attention to every detail; your descriptions are awesome: I could almost taste the olives so much that I thought, "Yuch, I hate olives!" and the sweetness of the honey on the baklava! Oh, it's been years since I've tasted that; your descriptions had my tastebuds remembering it instantly.
What a great compliment, thank you!!! *Beams* I tried very hard to bring this 'verse to life for the reader (since it's so different from our SV 'verse), and it's a huge relief that you thought I succeeded!
As for the ending....LOL! As Dee might say, all in time. *G*
Thank you SO much, Mari, as always, for your lovely, and very thoughtful, feedback! :)
I still love to read fanfic; there are a few very good new stories on the K-Site Chlark thread; there are actually a few die-hard Chlarkers like us still left out there.
Thank you again for continuing this lovely story.
Deb:"My lips are sealed! Shhhh, don't encourage her. *Looks sidewise cautiously*"
A-ha!!! I knew my Evil Cliffies would catch on with time! *cackles gleefully*
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