Summer '06! :)

Jun 14, 2006 21:41

So I am a graduate of Bishop Feehan High School. Weird.

All the senior events were lots of fun but wicked emotional.

I miss us already.

My grad party was amazing- thank you everyone.

I went to Martha's Vineyard with Rachel for four was so beautiful! :)

I hate my job at Snip-Its, and I'm miserable about the fact that no one else will hire me.

I am addicted to the gym and trying out random classes.

My string finally fell out.

To anonymous person A: Why aren't I good enough for you? What made you stop caring? Did you actually ever care? Or was it just a game? I miss you so much, and I'm so afraid of seeing you all summer. Even worse, I'm afraid of what you're going to be like a year from now.

To anonymous person B: Those who are good at making excuses are seldom good for anything else. I don't understand your negativity and immaturity. I have such a hard time spending time with you lately.

This was so random but I'm exhausted and kind of sun burned. Goodnight!
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