Dec 25, 2004 02:09
Tomorrow I'ma make a snowman!!
So, this mornin' I started off going to work expecting to find Brandy, a co-worker, a present. Daphne said that she quit.. Now.. My mind didn't correlate the consequences associated with this.. so, I was like, "Oh no.. that's terrible." later I look at the schedule.. They gave me all her hours.. I'm now workin' 35+ until school starts as a tech.. I don't know what to think.. All I know is that I'm not ready for it. I wanted a break from life.. now I'm right back in.. >[]< Damnit!
David and I pigged out on our break in the back room.. we ate the shit outta' that food!
After work, Cameron invited me to go to communion at the Methodist Church on 13th street.. Now, I had to go because I hadn't gone to church all year.. I mean, I didn't go to any funerals and my brother's wedding doesn't count, the merging of two miserable people doesn't do my soul any justice.
So, Cameron, his sister, and I were hamonizing while singing "O' Come All Ye' Faithful'." Everyone was impressed.. because all three of us are so damned loud.
I soon left out for Georgia's to see her new baby.. it was .... yeah.. coulda' been worse.., but we watched some of My Christmas Story and talked about mom's plans for Christmas.
I loooooove the Gwen Stefani CD you got me, David! I'm all singin' and shit! "Tha'sma shit, tha'sma shit!" Such a funny song.. "Ma' shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" I don't know what it is about that line that makes me get all hot... (o[]o)OOOOOOHYEAH!
Came back home and had a snow fight in the front yard with Jolie.. it was great.. I'm going to sneak up on you Meg and give you one to the face.. A NY sized snowball..
Watched an hour of South Park.. Geez.. I know I didn't get a lot this year, but I really want tomorrow to come soon.. We all soooo deserve this!!