Dec 14, 2004 23:35
THANK YOU GOD!! Ok, so they are cutting back hours in the pharmacy now, and no one asked me if it was ok with me.. I am a god damn CVS EXTRACARECARD SALES REP/ CLERK/ W/ THE SKILL TO SELL THE SHIT OUTTA PRESCRIPTIONS! DON'T PRETEND LIKE YOU DON'T NEED ME!
Soooo, not much in my world goin' on now,.. I got my tension bands! I've been workin' with em'.. its fun.. not really.. maybe a little..
Tonight my sisters and I went to the mall and got manga for Jolie.. Oh yeah, Meg, and I went into Origins and there was a little bitch who I was like, yeah, Meg and I are friends, and she was like, "OH!...MEEEEEEG!!".. I was like, what the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you having an orgasm in that souffle or what, ya' nasty whore!?" I dunno.. I was behind a woman who was like, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!! MY RECIEPT ISN'T RIGHT!".. I was like, "BITCH! If you don't move I'm gonna cutcha' fucking jacobs off and warp your fat ass into another dimension, you pathetic little dog's pizzle!" And that really nice girl was workin' there, but she was slow as shit and I was like, "DON"T WORRY ABOUT IT! GIMME THE DAMN BAG, GOD DAMNIT!! >[]<" Needlesstosay, my Origins visit was not " A Perfect World" experience. It was filled with people who had their heads stuck up their asses and who wouldn't shut the fuck up and give me my god damn present for my sister!! o[]o!! I shoulda' been like, ">[]< GOD DAMNIT! YOU FUCKTARDS HAVE 5 SECONDS TO GET ME SOMETHIN' FREE IN THIS STORE OR I'M GONNA EAT YOUR FUCKIN' SALT SCRUBS!! o[]o NOW GOD DAMNIT!! YOU'RE NOT MEG!! FUCK YOU!!"
Next time I walk in there I'm throw feces at that manager and tell her, "IT'S A SHIT MASK! IT CLEANS YOUR PORES! GET IT?! SHIT MASK! BITCH!" and leave.
Anyways, I'm at home.. If wants ta' hang.