Sep 24, 2004 10:49

Ok, started with Eckerd yesterday at 8:00.. actually me waking up at 7:48 and havin' to be there at 8:00... so, yeah.. I didn't make that.. hehe.. oh well.. Got there... CVS HAD TAKEN OVER!! AAAAAAHHH!!! About ten thousand CVS employees were in there for every one eckerds employee.. Tammie the Pharmacist was scared to death of them.. She was so paranoid that she was going to screw something up.. Everyone treated me like an idiot in there, too.. I was like, "BITCH! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOIN'! BULLSHITTIN' IS WHAT I DO BEST! I CAN SELL YOUR DAMN EXTRACARESHITCARDS!" I'm just so tired of listenin' ta' that crap.. I don't see good things happenin' in the future with these people.. they must die. I will eat their souls.. So I got out of that damn store at 12:15 and I got to my 1:00 class at 12:57.. I felt awesome.. I was going 90 down the freeway, too. Screamin', "SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!"
So, in school, Western Civ was awesome as usual. I got through my group presentation on abortion in Family Ecosystems. Went to drama. Went home.
Went out to eat with my dad and to Wal-mart to search for pots for our saguaro cactuses.
David and I went to Denny's.. DAMN GOTTA GO TA' WORK!
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