Feb 25, 2002 07:57
Being sick is the worst! i woke up to my tummy hurting-well i just kinda pushed it aside and was like "oh its cuz i dont wanna go to school" so i got up and got completely ready-and as i was eating my toast--well something happened and i dont wanna gross u all out w/it (u know what i mean)--and it happened multiple times. i feel so bad cuz it looks like i was like "ooh want an extra day of vaca so i'll play sick" but i really didn't-i really am sick!--ive been feelin woosy the last couple days and go figure today is the day i get sick! i mean-its not some great party--sick days are the worst cuz u dont go to school-but ure sick the whole time and (at least today i'm goin to) spend the whole day in the bathroom! (what a way to spend a day) plus, i'll have double hw. to do tomorw nite when tomorw nite is my busiest night of the week! sweet!-oh well i'm gonna go lay down now and hope i feel better