a long entry

Oct 28, 2005 17:52

so i have been drowning in my own vomit for the past day and a half. this is not a very pleasant thing. on the up side of things, i've been sleeping on-off fourteen hours today, which may have been sixteen if some people had not badgered me to stay up till two am to do pw slides that we didn't have to complete till monday. other than sleeping, all day i've been alternately trying to do pw, stay awake, finish close range, wash my hands multiple times with anti-bacterial soap, and soak my innards in tea.

how strange that when i'm forced to stay at home i feel like going to school. i've been bored stiff the entire day, or would have been if i could. insert dirty joke here, plz kthnx.

i loved yesterday in a morbid way. morning was spent running with debbie; i alternately ran/walked 1.6 km. gina laughed at my efforts meanly. during assembly i couldn't talk because of my throat and every time i tried to tell esther something she tried to attack me. i think she thought i was going to kiss her or bite off her ears. gery said, "b is here!" but refused to tell me who he was. i hate all these half-letting-on-of-secrets. if secrets are to be told they are to be like shameless nudists.

i've already screwed up my order-of-events. anyway, after running with debbie, we watched the boys play captain's ball. after the run my voice had picked up, so i could hear myself yelling, "go (insert name)!" and "f♥ck!" alternately when we scored and didn't. two quotable gina lines are, "i don't think ______ wants to see _______ play like this", and "this looks so gay!" after the game i said the first nice thing i did to andrew koh all year, probably because i was feeling an uncommon bout of rah-rah-14! spirit.

shumay and i crashed history, and we have a 1.536 page long dialogue entitled, "Shumay and Sam/Sam and Shumay in History" - the wording being highly paraphrased. shumay, you have to correct me on this. i have a feeling we were being kind of noisy, but i had a blast, despite having to go to the toilet multiple times. every time they talked about widening the irawaddy (sic?), we turned to each other and said, "hydrology!" and inside i went, "winz!"

interrupting myself to say that my mother just bought a perfect t-shirt for me that reads, "ready to win".

after history i committed myself to a movie which i will have to go to tomorrow, only i will be ostracised because i am contaminated with germs. poll: should i wear a surgical cotton mask to prevent transmission of bacteria? i'm not even sure if it's a bacterial or viral infection, because a cotton surgical mask should work for the former but not the latter, right?

well, after history, i had a pw meeting in the computer lab that i hate, the one where everything seems like night because of the tinted windows. i feel so oppressed inside. i went home to shower because ______ kept spitting on my hand unintentionally. i love jac now and forevermore. hsien walked me out to the bus stop, which was horribly sweet of him. this is in contrast to the time when i had to whinge to kenneth for two hours before i could tear him away from the company of his best friend yongs. i do have a problem doing things alone. i'd rather not do them at all.

i then returned for halloween. i wore a pair of mary janes that were grey and that i loved tremendously, except that the entire sole fell off. on the journey to school i must have left bits and pieces of the heel and rubber in a trail all the way to school. me and gina were dressed up like schoolgirls. it was really funny when gina said, "hey, there are people dressed more sluttily than us!" when we stepped into school, mainly because i was very decently dressed. this is proven by how debbie had no opportunity at all to pounce on me and call me a skank. hsien also dissed me and said that i was crappily dressed, but shame was never my forte.

we waited forever for the haunted tour to begin. i had a sausage and other people's nachos for dinner. i would here like to disclaim that i always washed my hands before i put my fingers in someone else's cheese. cleanliness is assured! (this is not a pornographic metaphor.)

i couldn't see or hear shit from the movie they were screening, so i spent my time alternately watching vincee gaying around with his sausages, and gina whining about how she was going to leave. there was a point when i was crossing the area outside the auditorium all alone, and i realised that school on a rainy night is one of the most beautiful things ever. i wanted to sit down on the steps and talk to someone, except that i probably couldn't have found the right words to say. "this is beautiful" is overrated. "it's going to rain" is speaking the obvious. so i stood there in the middle of darkness until some dudes spoilt it all by gaying around loudly as they approached.

my futile attempts to get hsien to go on the halloween tour with vincee were also very funny.

in between my boredom i can't remember what i was doing. i only hung out with debbie once or twice outside the auditorium because otherwise she was too busy gaying around with the guys. vincee was gaying around with his sausages and gina was not being gay. i remember being indignant with hsien for finishing my apple tea because it had germs in it, although i didn't say "because it has germs in it" because then everyone would have laughed at me. but i think that was later.

the tour itself scared me shitless. we went in clinging to each other, and the only reason why we ever moved was because lisa was there saying, "move on, move on!" and "don't tear the plastic bags!" and made it less scary. more than the things i saw, i was more scared by the feeling that i felt like i was trapped in an unreal world that i couldn't escape from. my favourite part of the whole tour was hearing hanyin scream. it felt so satisfying. speaking of hanyin, she looked like hermione again. she wore something blue; i couldn't see very well in the dark.

my favourite part was the very end, where the piano music came on and paul started dancing. i never wanted him to stop; it was the most aesthetic thing of the entire tour; the dim lights coming in from behind, the hanged man drooping behind us, the lush, empty place all to ourselves. i think at that moment i was torn between appreciation and horror, and it's mixes of feelings that i like best. grey areas, all that sort of thing.

after that we sat in the corridor. you know i love corridors. i was sweating so much it wasn't funny, even a while afterward my hands were shaking. i was right when i said i'd be dead scared. i said to vincee, "can i have a hug?" and at that moment i swear i had a hamsterface on for real. vincee's cuddly. i booed him online only to have him not respond, because i was to tell him how cuddly he was, like hugging a life-sized stuffed toy. hugging gina is like hugging a mini toy. but hugging debbie is the best because she has a waist situated at the right height and hugs you just enough to make you feel loved! it's the art of hugging, i tell you.

in the corridor. it was really cold. i think i looked like i camped out in pulau ubin for two weeks without bathing because of my wrinkly shirt and my eyebags from the horror of it all. i colonised someone's cheese but i can't remember whose, even though someone put a leaf in it. i was laughing and half choking. it's impossible to feel ill when you're happy.
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