The Golden Age of Science Fiction is NOT 12

Apr 22, 2016 00:58

Not any longer.


It's Indie.

I just finished The Changeling by Dave Freer. Iron Chamber of Memory by John Wright.

Holy Hannah in a Handbasket: world-building, characterization, page-turning plot, emotional whammy....

I need to see if there's still time to tweak the Summer Reading List book order, because while Castalia House is still not available on Overdrive, Changeling is readily available on-dead-tree.


As a side note? If I'd taken the pledge of that sexist bigot wossname to not read any "cis-" or "white-" or "male" authors I'd have missed these books.

Social justice? Bppgghthgph. You'd have to be brain dead.

book slut, secret life of librarians

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