Cheering Section

Oct 15, 2013 20:21

Why we should love ObamaCareTM

Insurers can charge 50 percent higher premiums for smokers, but not for the sexually promiscuous. Look: you want to be stupid with your body; be stupid with your body. Why privilege sex, not smoking? The social consequences are arguably a lot more expensive for the former. But everyone knows that abortions, abandoned children, broken homes, and kids abused by Mommy's Boyfriend are waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than smoking cigarettes. And who knows, maybe they'll get around to the promiscuous in few years: Yay!

Our insurance premiums will go up between 99 percent (guys) and 62 percent (gals) Yay! I really needed my health care to get more expensive!

If I have a health plan valued at $27,500; and two kids, I get to pay 40% taxes on it! Yay! The middle class needed to pay more taxes! (Wait: didn't Pres. "Read my Lips" Obama promise he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class? Only the rich? And didn't he and all the mass-media shills call his Republican opponents liars for claiming that's what his programs would necessarily do? On the other hand, at least I wasn't stupid enough to believe him. So... Yay!)

In order to get any of the grants from the federal government to pay for Obamacare, education and training programs are required to meet racial, ethnic, gender, linguistic and sexual orientation quotas. Because not having enough quotas and sensitivity training are what was making our healthcare costs skyrocket. Yay!

If you don't already have a part-time job, you're about to get one! Or get fired! Or lose your current doctor (there aren't many doctors who were trained at U.S. universities who are accepting Obamacare patients.) Something like 90% (at least) of all the new jobs we've seen have been part time ones.


Best of all private insurance companies are springing into action to create services that cover the insanely high deductibles that the (required by law! Or the IRS will fine you! And you're guilty until proven innocent of tax crimes!) Affordable Care Act sets in place. So Big Insurance will make money hand over fist and the IRS will collect more money (Jedi voice: this is not the tax you're looking for!).

Double yay!

I could go on, but you can understand why President Obama, the Democratic Senators and his big business and union cronies wouldn't want to have to live under the Affordable Care Act.

And, if we don't stop them, why should they?


rampageous opinionation

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