Three For One

Jan 17, 2012 08:59

Here's a wonderful little video that made me laugh even as I admired the aesthetic and the catchy chorus: Just Put Some Gears on It and Call It Steampunk

image Click to view

It's right up there with The League of Lady Conspiracists in I've Got My Tinfoil Hat On

No hattip for the former (curse my steel-sieve memory), but the former comes from Epbot: Geeks, Girliness, & Goofing Off.

If you haven't discovered it yet, Epbot, is definitely the place to go to discover how to stick gears on it and call it steampunk. In a good way.

This is from one of her posts on making a steampunk-themed Christmas tree. Aside from bringing entertaining vids your way, and being a generally amusing sort of blog, the writer has a wonderfully positive attitude. It's not just the overall good cheer (because that's there) or that her first choice is to see the ridiculousness of what life throws her way, because that's there in spades. I've noticed that whenever some geek-girly ujustitude to other folk comes up in her blog, she's the last person who'll jump on the Bandwagon-O-Outrage. What the Epbot writer does instead is find a way to light a great big whopping candle. And to encourage her readers to Go And Do Likewise.

So there you go: three fun things for one blog post. Now I have to get off this thing and go out and go sledding with the Mighty Mite

pop culture in the pot 9 days old

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