Heads Up: Super 8

Jun 18, 2011 19:09

And I quote:

"Hollywood can make the movies it wants - the First Amendment is one of the things I made a miniscule contribution to protecting. But I can refuse to waste my money on a movie that depicts American servicemembers as psychos who literally murder American citizens in cold blood. And so can you."

"Look at the far superior Close Encounters. The American military is an obstacle to the hero, not a malignant enemy. There, the military (and other agencies) are trying to make contact with the aliens; the military is benignly keeping folks away from Devil's Tower. But in Super 8, they murder them - and that's not an off-hand, one-time event but a key plot point"


"You can make all the military-trashing films you want to, Hollywood - you're welcome for the freedom to do so, by the way - but in the future you can count me and my money out. And I bet I'm not the only one"

I was googling for reviews of Super8 because these days, between the cost of a movie and a sitter, I can't afford to waste my money on the stinkers. Darn shame about this one.

rampageous opinionation, pop culture in the pot 9 days old

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