More reasons to Opt Out

Nov 22, 2010 10:16

  • 6-year-olds being tagged for the full crochtal search getting chewed out for crying
  • Pelosi promising "get out of humiliation free" cards if you show up wearing a burqua1

  • two-olds-being taken away from their parents for a private frisking when a pacifier sets off the alarm

  • The Senators and Congressmen who support the X-ray machines and TSA fondling join anyone with a security entourage: we don't have to live with the laws we make for you!

  • Colostomy bag in the bombard-you-with-radiation machines triggers the full monty patdown: refusing to listen or allow traveller to bring out proof of medical condition, TSA agent burst the bag. Have a nice flight!

  • Former TSA head president owns the company making the nude-o-scopes: gets multi-million dollar contract for all-airport mandatory use (instead of merely as a backup option) after he retires. All safety-information on the machines comes from the company's own research; company refuses to say whether or not their machines could catch the "underwear bomber"

Remember: Let's make that Mayan calender whatsit a reality for our incumbants in Congress come 2012: vote them all out of office.

(hattip: quizzer_whit)

1. Ah... feminists! They'll be extra-special sure to keep double-plus ungood-thinkers from attending WisCon but won't keep your daughters out of the burquas. Modern Liberalism: great for manufactured outrage, not so much for actual, yanno... liberty.

rampageous opinionation, rpa

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