Foof to You, Engle Faucing!

Oct 09, 2009 21:01

Jo Walton discusses1 Zenna Henderson's "People" novels via the reprint edition: Ingathering

If Ms Walton inspires you to get a copy for yourself, and it is not merely to revisit a childhood or adolescent read, may I suggest an alternative? Holding Wonder is not as easily come by as Ingathering but those short stories don't need a haze of nostalgic memory to patch over the weak bits2. The Anything Box is just as good, but that one's really hard to get3. You'll be buying your own copies, soon after.

Take "The Closest School" where the xenophobic one-horse-town school board president's newest little kindergartner is going to be a bug eyed alien--
"A child is a child," I said. "All of one blood. Neither East nor West, bond nor free--" I meanly set all of [the school board president's] familiar rallying quotes out in a little line across his conscience and his conscience stiffened itself--I had thought it would--and his sleeve wiped his forehead. Thank God for people who are willing to be uncomfortable for what is right."

Or "Swept and Garnished" where a paranoid schizophrenic is released--cured!--from the asylum to her lonely neighborhood and empty apartment... Or--and I know this myself from small-town library work--the one Henderson wrote for Ellery Queen magazine--about the things children tell us: "You Know What, Teacher?" Then there's the one from The Anything Box: "And a Little Child," where anyone whose ever seen the bones of the California hills wrapped in furry vegetation won't have any difficulty imagining them waking to a strange animal-life...

1. Quibble: Jo Walton missed (a near one, though) the mark about the People stories being about immigrants, and America. It's about refugees, and America. The bits Henderson left out and the experiences she left in make a lot more sense if you aren't trying to fit it into the former trope.
2. Which does not mean that I didn't love and still don't love say "Balm in Gilead," but the stories in Holding Wonder or The Anything Box are the kind that will end up part of your permanent mental furniture.
3. KCLS has a copy though, so I know you can ILL it.

book slut, pop culture in the pot 9 days old

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