Warning - today's post is waaay more geeky than usual.
If you're not comfortable with fundamental-level programming concepts, best skip this one..
OK, I've rabbited on loads about Graphjam of late, but one more time.. Found a charming
flow chart diagram for the Hokey Cokey, and it struck me the dance is essentially a series of FOR (or DO or WHILE etc) loops.
Surely someone must have done at least a pseudo-code version of it? Apparently not, according to a few Google searches.
And so, from the school of 'because I can', I bring you...
Dim body_part
Dim body(4)
body(0)="left arm"
body(1)="right arm"
body(2)="left leg"
body(3)="right leg"
body(4)="whole self"
function in_out(item)
response.write( "You put your " & item & " in,
" )
response.write( "You put your " & item & " out,
" )
end function
function in_out_short()
response.write( "In, out
" )
end function
for body_part=0 to UBound(body) step 1
response.write( "
" )
dim put
for put=0 to 1
response.write( "Shake it all about.
" )
response.write( "You do the hokey cokey and you turn around,
" )
response.write( "That's what it's all about.
" )
I'm sure this isn't as efficient as it could be, mind - put that down to me trying to translate the little I know of PHP and JavaScript into VB in the time I had..
If anyone has any suggestions for making it leaner and meaner, please drop them by - it could be fun to put in the
Wikipedia entry for the Hokey Cokey :)
I'd also be keen to get a 'foreign language' option - just in case, y'know, you fancied a Hokey Cokey in German:
Click to view
I really oughta get me one of those life things I keep hearing about...