Nov 02, 2004 09:45
Last weekend was possibly some of the most fun I've had in Boone this year so far. Friday was a house show at the 828 house, were I pretty much went to see Crimson Spectre, and of course they were good. Oh yeah, I went as a lephrecaun too. I just watched the bands, talked to kids, saw some really drunk people, drank my 40, and got to see two people dressed up as Ms. Pacman and one of the blue guys.
Saturday I was also dressed up in my costume and went to Rosa's shop late at night for a party she was having. I was one of three people who got pierced at it in front of everyone. So now I have three lip rings. It was a really really fun party, and I enjoyed everyone there: Rosa (of course), Stacy (a cool haircutting chick), Nelson (the actual owner of the shop, and who also looks quite a bit like Johnny Depp), the 26 year old clown that I talked to for quite a bit, and seeing a bunch of other random people. French hip hop is pretty good.
Sunday, HALLOWEEN, I was basically just at a house, in a red skirt with a drink in my hand, and singing along to some songs with a person from my astronomy class.
Oh yeah, the beard has been shaved off, and I didn't even recognize my face after it. Creepy.
Another oh yeah, I met a stalker I seemed to have had. She's a cutie.