Nov 12, 2003 21:57
hi, so I guess this Matrix movie is in theaters now. I missed the hype machine somehow. Oh, well. Here's my commentary on the subject:
Matrix 3: the wrath of Smith
I'm kinda interested in where the authors will take the storyline, but after seeing the second movie last week, I think I want to develop my own ending and leave it at that.
ok, so tell me if my ending would have been better than the last movie:
I think Mr. Anderson went nuts at the beginning of the first movie and the "matrix world" was all his dream. Remember, the first 3 times he interacted with the "Zion" character set was when he was either asleep, when he woke up from sleep, or when he spaced out at his desk at work
Then I think he had a stroke and the whole Zion scene and Matrix scene unfolded in his coma.
In the third movie he keeps fighting all the bad guys in his delusions and at the end wakes up in a dark hospital room connected to a bunch of wires, monitors and I.V.s. He head would be shaved because of the brain surgery and he'll freak out. The doctor will look just like Agent Smith and all the other characters will work in the hospital or be his family or something.
Yep. I think I'll just leave the story ending like that and save my cash.
Next topic:
work. Work can be fun. It keeps the boredom away, it provides you with a paycheck, it introduces you to interesting people you can build new friendships with... But it can be a ball-buster. Lissa's busting her ass at the Rep right now. 2 weeks ago she put in 60+ hrs, last week - 80+.. And she won't get a day off until the 22nd. I kinda miss her. The house is just so damn quiet and empty.
and then there is my work. which is starting to turn a corner on the positive side. Or at least there is a pretty big glimmer of hope that a whole lot of people are clinging to. If it works, the co. will do well and I'll end up with a larger role (READ: paycheck) to boot. If not, stagnation and frustration will return and I'll be drafting a resume. In any event, things will be changing for me and my work life in the next few months.
The leadership crew is on their retreat tonight. A bunch of us grunts contemplated getting a room at the same hotel that the off-site meeting is set in, but then we realized that all the snooping and 'mind-warping' would be fun and all, but it's not worth paying for a room. Oh, maybe there's an indoor pool though... THAT would be nice right about now... hmmmm. Hot tub.
...they get back tomorrow and all the dirt about who called who's mother what will be flying across the company email server. hehehe, I just can't wait! That and the outcomes of some of the debates that will ultimately shape that glimmer I mentioned earlier. It will be nice to finally get some answers as to whether we'll have some sense of direction for next year, or whether we'll all be looking for open positions elsewhere.