Il n'y a pas definitement assez de temps dans le jour pour penser et a faire quelque chose. On doit choisir entre l'un ou d'autre. Pour moi, ce m'est egal.
This past week has been busy, busy. Work, sleep. Work, sleep. And sometimes, there's food in between. However, I did get to catch a bit of sun at the beach with a few friends and watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", which I found tastefully done. This weekend, I've also been on a DVD-binge and watched "The Woodsman", "Little Otik", "Imaginary Heroes", "Dummy", "Underworld", "Birth" and "The Grudge". I meant to pick up "The Forgotten", but I ended up picking up "Imaginary Heroes" which turned out to be a great selection. Work has begun on my animated feature titled "Siren" due for a Halloween release. Basically, it is about a mermaid, a series of deaths, and a medical school. This definitely is not Toy Story. The trailer will be online soon.
In other news, I've been way behind on web design (like a month behind schedule) as things have gotten busier at work. Gary Edgerton has been calling like crazy and so has Kyle Nicholas. That's the price of having their websites like putty in my fingers (muah ha). The Women's Center website is finally up ( but I still have to train the new girl. Sigh. I need a vacation badly. In other other news, my 18-yo sister graduates from Granby High School, #24 out of 410 and class president, AND my 14-yo sister is "moving on" to high school at the same day. The kicker? Graduation gifts. Here, have a floppy drive and a USB cable. Congrats!
J'espere que le semaine ce qui s'approche me donnera qq paix. Apres les ceremonies de mes soeurs, je vais certainment me resterai sur la plage pendant le jour, ou peut-etre ecrirai dans mon livre. Du tout ce que j'ai besoin est qq jour du silence and de restant. Je sais bien qu'il nya pas beacoup de personnes d'ici ce qui peut lire francais, but s'il ya d'une, alors bien. Tu n'as pas decouru si beaucoup. Alors, c'est deja le matin. Je n'avais pas de sommeil et je sais que je ne me reveillerai pas jusqu'a 12h ou plus tard. C'est le prix de cherchant de travails sur l'Internet.
A bientot.