Jan 24, 2010 22:40
Really really really love my Netflix. I really wanted to watch Spartacus: Blood And Sand but I didn't want to get Starz just to see if I'd like the show or not. But thanks to Netflix being such a cool service I was able to watch it on my TV thanks to the X-Box 360. Damn though why do the Romans get to have the cool period of history while I'm stuck with a sucks period of history. Oh well at least someone got around to the problem that TV didn't have enough titties and violence. That and all the backstabbing of Romans.
Did the Turbotax thing because it has gotten to that point in life when I'd rather just pay a few bucks than deal with filling out government forms. Thank goodness work and unemployment didn't find a way to screw things up for me. Kind of nice to be getting a little money back which is good because I need to start saving up a bit for Frolicon.
Thanks to having all my runs done by today I could stay out of the rain and watch football. Play off games ended up being closer contests than I was expecting. Still the really good thing is that the Saints won and are going to the Superbowl. Even though the Saints are bitter rivals with my Panthers you still have to admire how hard they have worked to build themselves into a winning team. Plus I'm really glad Farve is not going to the Superbowl.