Jan 22, 2009 00:05
things i keep talking about and don't do, that i must do soon:
.use my pasta maker. i was given it for my birthday in march 2007, was so so so pleased to be given it and haven't used yet, which is frankly rude.
.sew sequins on an old jacket i never wear any more, a la dries van noten.
.keep a list of things i have seen that i want, so that i only buy things i have liked for a week or more, rather than impulse buys all the time.
.get my laptop fixed. using the family pc is starting to drive all of us bonkers.
.buy a paper notebook to write things in so that i remember them better.
.book a massage.
today i am mostly loving the 13 hour sleep i had, how good my skin feels and martin skauen drawings.
i did an exam yesterday for the first time in years and it was almost exciting! the actual six hours of pure exam boredom (especially cos at least 3 of those hours were spent sitting watching the clock after doing all the questions and you weren't allowed to leave early) were not so exciting, but there was a wee buzz of adrenaline and some hefty gin-drinking afterwards. plus the aforementioned 13 hour sleep. mmmmmm.
buy/download/steal the fever ray album. it's dark and delicious.