4:48 on a Tuesday and I find myself with little motivation and even fewer deadlines.
Also, I find myself with a tan - an unusual state for a person of my complextion. Why? Last weekend was WW, one of my annual “geek camps” as my coworkers call them. Brian and I built an entire bedouin tent from scratch out of our blood, sweat, tears, and Sunforger canvas. The weather was appropriately, desert-like. WW was held at a new site this year, devoid of trees or shade of any kind. Our tent stayed cool and trapped the breeze even when it was 95 degrees out. Well done, nomadic tent engineer forebearers.
Brian’s starting to blog the tent construction experience. So watch for updates and images. I’m too lazy to document it. But if you’re curious, come visit our fire at
Pennsic and I’m sure we’ll talk your ear off.
Most of the weekend consisted of playing Go, drinking iced coffees, making lamb kebabs over the fire and dancing the night away to live drumming. Met a lot of nice people, too.
Liz_bet with B in the tent.
Originally published at
K & Co.. Please leave any
comments there.